File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/d-g_1995/d-g_Sep.95, message 86

Date: Tue, 19 Sep 1995 17:02:40 +0100
From: (douglas edric stanley)
Subject: Re: Susan in? to?

Enfin! I'm all for "phillipino overpaid domestics with a modem who have
never read "anything"...

You know Deleuze and Guattari said that Anti-Oedpide was written for
"types" somewhere around 18-20 and who hadn't read anything. Quite natural,
especially when one comes across it all accidentally. As anything

And shit if all these bleeding obsessions don't finally disgust me with the
male race. Enough already. So what, so our dicks fill up with blood - I'm
sure that's never seemed all that tortorous for anyone. What precious
essance are you worried about losing by "meeting" a bleeding woman? You
think you do not bleed? I'm sorry to break the news to you... Some
imagination my friend.

Would you want it some other way? Yes, we bleed. It's quite lovely,
actually. The poor fool who seeks to shape the world in his image. But you
haven't seemed to get that one. You seem to be looking for your woman
object-fuck-ideal. Oh yes, I can read the add:

"Internet Philosophy Hack [I can see them flocking in now!] seeks blond,
blue-eyed, sexy intellectual - preferrably graduate student. MUST BE
5'8"-5'9", large breasts, an idiot to be with me, and loves to fuck someone
looking to fuck himself. No bloodly gloves, please."

Usually, I just skip over all this Susan crap, but here, I lingered (fools
come out in the day you know) and couldn't help but laugh: "Would yo[u]
have sex with a woman for the first time while she's on the rag?" Tim: "Not
unless I was boned to hell and back, especially if i had just met her." But
wouldn't you have already been bloody if you'd just "met" her?

Coward. You have no idea of what just such an unconditional "meeting" is.
What, did you think you could escape a deterritorialization of your scared
little ego and just masturbate over heady-intellectual addages without
implicating your body, your soul? Sexuality, faire l'amour, etc., these are
not questions of "balling", "boning" "bleeding women", "dicks" etc. You are
on the ugly side of materialism. Production? Where? Little bourgeois cadre,
you. You're in the back filling out stamps.

Your narcissism amazes me. Oh, it's all in quotation marks? Mon oeil. Pull
that on the next one. Typical bourgeois liberalism: I'm "expressing"
myself! Wrong again. You're expressing the most tired out male-hysterics
around and we're sick of it. Irony or not.

Douglas Edric
Paris. 19.9.1995



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