File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/d-g_1995/d-g_Sep.95, message 91

Date:        Tue, 19 Sep 1995 15:58:51 EDT
Subject: less from susan

     Venturing another way of putting why Tim-Susan says doesn't
make it, besides the fact that there's a case to be made for it not
belonging on a d/g list...besides the case to be made that it's
really only pussy-talk dressed up as a dramatic philosophical
dialogue; it's not just that i think it's 'tired' -- nor was it
necessarily tired when bataille and de sade did it, because even if
one were to call Juliette and Eugenie discursive female mouthpieces
they 'represent' the very opposite of woman-as-unreason/dark
continent etc...they (re)present women as hyper-reasoning & cold,
anti-mother, anti-nature, phallic bitches, as i think has already
been mentioned (but i lost a few posts) -- they are novelistic mouth-
pieces, speaking parts in novels.  Susan says is not a novel and
it is crude.  It is
not just crude in the sense of vulgar or ugly--vulgar and ugly can
be interesting--its crudity has more to do with its reading like a
raw outpouring, a rant-in-progress: it reads like the work of a
very unpracticed fiction-writer (which it is, no doubt)...

     This list is indulgent of a lot of things -- all sorts of
ineptnesses, my own philosophical ineptness included, all sorts of
stupidities and rudenesses, my own included -- and so it can and
may continue to be indulgent of much else.  Why not?

     But maybe we could hear less from Susan?





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