File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/d-g_1995/d-g_Sep.95, message 97

Date: Wed, 20 Sep 1995 14:14:16 +0100
From: (douglas edric stanley)
Subject: Re: less from susan

>     This list is indulgent of a lot of things -- all sorts of
>ineptnesses, my own philosophical ineptness included, all sorts of
>stupidities and rudenesses, my own included -- and so it can and
>may continue to be indulgent of much else.  Why not?
>     But maybe we could hear less from Susan?

I cannot but agree with a passion. All for ineptness! O indulgence, thou
lovely fool. I cannot but repeat: what we hear from Susan-Tim is NOT
indulgent, although perhaps inept. It is what is called here in France
Bourgeois, there in America Square, Yuppie, Moralistic, whatever. It is
entirely suffocated by overcoded petty male-hysteria: pussies, cunts,
bleeding, balling, boning, blah, blah, blah. Yes, let's do a quick Bataille
survey because there's definitely something interesting going on in
Bataille. L'histoire de l'oeil, Ma m=E8re: these are quite lovely texts.
Something more than novelistic mouth-pieces.

What is a "mouth-piece" anyway? I kind of like this conglommeration. Mouth
piece. Yes, I think I'll do something around that.

Thank you my friends. Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.

Douglas Edric
Paris. 20.9.1995



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