File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/deleuze-guattari_1996/96-10-10.144, message 102

Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 22:04:10 -0400
From: "Wayne A. King" <>
Subject: Re: wayne/Space/Codes/vocabulary

At 10:00 AM 9/28/96 -0400, wrote:
>Who can help jumping in?
>According to Henri Ellenberger in his nearly 1000 page long _The Discovery
>of the Unconscious: The History and Evolution of Dynamic Psychiatry_

Golly, this reminds me of my boyhood for I ain't read that book 
since I was a kid. But I still fondly remember the many nights 
when my Momm'a would tuck me in bed with delicate guano sack sheets
and, at my request, read me a chapter or two from Ellenberger's 
_The Discovery of the Unconscious: The History and Evolution of 
Dynamic Psychiatry_.  As a matter of fact, other than the Bible, 
it's the single most popular book by far down in these parts.

>But unfortunately, the Ellenberger book breathes not a single word about
>that mysterious Guattari fellow 

Don;t worry 'bout it.  I figger that Delusion guy must have been a 
classical guitarist and there's been some serious misspelling 
somewhere along the line.  More than likely, the original was
 Delusion and Guitar, as taken from his famous CD of the same title.
more to

>Deleuze's usefulness for hunters of raccoon or possum may be negligible
>though I dimly recall hearing once of an expedition he joining some guy
>named Carroll in search of the snark. 

I been out hunting snark a bunch of times myself, Greg, but they's real 
sneaky critters, 'cuz I ain't managed to get close en'uff to one 
'uf 'em yet to pull the trigger.  Once I thought I had one almost trapped
in a palmetto thicket, but as luck would have it, one of them big gators
had some drifted up the Suwanee River (which flows upstream, in case 
you don;t know it) into the same palmetto clump, and I almost lost my
arms and legs.
Wayne A. King
Hoot Owl Hollow, Georgia


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