File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/deleuze-guattari_1996/96-10-10.144, message 154

Date: Thu, 3 Oct 1996 13:05:14 +0200
From: Jan Sjunnesson <>
Subject: 10 questions

hi, I want to use these lists (Aut-Op_sy + Deleuze/Guattari) to find
solutions to practical prablems ( save money) and theoretical ones. But
also to find rhizomes between the two.  Please help me if  you can:

1) does anyone have the adress to Futur Anterieur in Paris ?

2) - " -                email to Michael Hardt (the rhiz between . . . )?

3) Can anyone  copy and mail articles from US periodicals to me ? I am
unemployed, working as a marginalized  and unpaid graduate
 on DnG + Negri,  so $15- 20 /article is too much for me. i.e. the
university libraray in Sweden copy charges for overseas stuff.

My first go is for an interview with Toni Negri: in Copyright 1989 no 1  by
Brian Massumi & A jardine.
Also, M Hardt's review of Negri's Rev retrieved in Rethinking Marxism 3(2)
1990 would  be nice to have.

I got these from an excellent article by kenneth Surin (at Duke) in
Rethinking Marxism , "Reinventing a physiology of collective liberation.
"going beyond marx" in the marxism's on Negri, Guattari and Deleuze. " from
1994 I think. if you know of other stuff close to his, please tell me. If
Ken Surin reads this, what's new?

4) What could be the thematic, academically useful and possible focus in an
analysis of Deleuze's "own thought " (1968-69, Diff et rep, Logique du
sens, Spinoza), Deleuze & Guattari (1972- 80 AO, Kafka, Mille Plateaux) and
Negri (1968 - 1989/94, The politics of subversion and Labour of dionysos (
+ hardt)?

I am thinking of writing something substansiable  and academic that would
combine these very impressive thinkers, in that chronology I just showed.
But what is the most  valuable concept or prblem to follow  through ?
Liberation? Power? Representation ( as in Todd May's boks, good but boring,
at least the second)? Ontology  ( like  Spinoza/Deleuze/negri/Hardt)?

6) What does Negri mean  in these quotes :

"It is in fact on the ontological terrain that the problem of the workers'
party and democracy must be posed" (p. 165)

"It we want to speak of a party again, in the thrid industrial revolution,
it is obvious that we can only do so in terms of constituent Power"
 (from Negri's "20 theses onMarx" in Polygraph vol 5, 1992

where does he see an "party"/"movement" emerging ? Gli centri sociali ?

7) what are the lines between Deleuze mulitiplicitic thought and modern
science and physics ? I happen to read Paul Davies  "The Cosmic plan" and
have an interest in chaos theory ( who doesn't?). Guattari flirted  with I
Stengers in these scientific matters, but I never quite figured out how the
theory on an self- organizing universe (mother Gaia as Lovelock would have
it) combined with Mille Plateaux. Any physicists out there  who have a grip
on the innovative energis in thought and matter?? Weren't some Chilean
biologists up in the DnG list in spring ?

8)Does Chim=E8res plan to do "une doissier2 on Deleuze ? Paris, Please.

9)How do you get a hold of Mario Tronti's Ouvri=E8res et capital from 1973 ?

10)Exact what is the connection between Negri and the school of regulation ?


Jan Sjunnesson
Linnégatan 18
753 32 Uppsala
tel/ fax +46- 18- 126624


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