File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/deleuze-guattari_1997/deleuze-guattari.9704, message 24

Date: Fri, 16 May 1997 18:26:12 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Guillaume Ollendorff <>
Subject: Re: time (slipping through my fingers) vol 2.

dear liano. 

it seems we are swimming under the same line.
and may i say hello to your nice parents ? ("I'm definetly with you here.
By the way, as a useless bit of >trivia, it happens that I'm named "Liano"
after Emilliano Zapata.") 


more seriously, i would like to come back on aparticular point.

>> > deleuze theorise ? yes, but theorise the way of action, not the purpose you
>> > should look for. 
>	I totally agree with you, but would add that this theorizing (it 
>seems to me) must be an aspect of the way of action itself and not 
>something carried out separately.  In short, we need to rethink what we 
>mean by theory.

could you tell me more about your thought about that (i did not follow the
entire restoth threads, as it was sometimes too long...)

because, reading it fast it seems really true to my brainycells, but my
synapses asks themselves ? what does he mean ?
that you act when you theorise or that you can not act without theorizing (i
contest that) ? or something else ?
could you give exemple ? deleuzian or not ?
or dooyou think the answer is in the question you ask to vadim's response to
my post ?
--> "Why should intellectual labor be separated from any other kind of labor?"

thanx for eclaircissements....



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