File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/deleuze-guattari_1998/deleuze-guattari.9804, message 22

Date: Wed, 08 Apr 1998 13:53:15 -0500
From: David Cook <>
Subject: Re: difference

By the way, what is it that would make profession questions?  And what are
those professional questions?  How about a brief list of those, just so that we
could contrast them.  Moreover, who gets to determine who is the amateur or
what makes the amateur amateurish?  So then, what are some non-silly
questions?  Not to mention this in terms of the meta-epistemological issue,
given that it is already herein decided what is going to count as a valid
question -- which then presupposes what will be considered to count as a valid
answer -- what is the criterion for all of this?  If you have a satisfactory
answer to this please let me know. :-)

Big kiss accepted, but no tongue.


Eduardo Simonini Lopes wrote:

> Some amateur questions:
> What is life?
> What is the meaning of life?
> Why am i here?
> What (Who) is god?
> If someone have a satisfactory answer to these silly and amateur questions,
> please, make me know. :-)
> A big kiss to everyone
> Eduardo.


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