File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/deleuze-guattari_1998/deleuze-guattari.9804, message 50

Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 15:47:24 +1200
From: (John Morss)
Subject: Re: D and phenomenology

>Yes, please address this question.  The question and the answer are
>significant to the work that I'm doing.  I have little awareness of
>Deleuze's position against "phenomenology and hermeneutics."  Where would I
>find more information on this?
>Leila Rae
>>Could you delve into " Deleuze's orientation against phenomenology and
>>hermeneutics" a little more? shc MCAD

Thanks for the interest,.. I just sort of blurted that out, assuming that I
was right to think that Deleuze has very much less of a commitment to the
phenomenological tradition than eg Derrida. Deleuze seems to have admired
Hume, Spinoza, ok, Nietzsche too.. Derrida perhaps has a more traditional
view of the european philosophical canon.. Hegel, Heidegger....
so I don't know that I can add anything very helpful, & I may be totally
wrong. But pursuing it may be worthwhile, if some people out there are
willing and able to contribute.
And surely (?) deleuze's points against interpretation are a problem for


John R Morss
Senior Lecturer
Education Department
University of Otago, Box 56, Dunedin

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