File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/deleuze-guattari_1998/deleuze-guattari.9804, message 8

Date: Fri, 3 Apr 1998 10:23:35 +1200 (NZST)
From: (Michael Goddard)
Subject: Re: Foucault and Deleuze

>Dear All,
>I'm working a study of Foucault and Deleuze. I need 
>bibliographica information on 
>what they have written about each other, and has been written about 
>them. Please help - I'm desperate!!!!!
>Your kindness would be rewarded somehow :)


        I'm not sure what information you already have so some of this
stuff may seem obvious. However... 

For Deleuze on Foucault the most significant source is Deleuze's book
'Foucault', several sections of which have been published spearately
elsewhere. 'Negotiations', Gilles Deleuze, Martin Joughin trans., New York:
Columbia university press 1995 has the texts of several interviews with
Deleuze on Foucault, which are an excellent introduction to their

For Foucault on Deleuze, there is the essay 'Theatrum Philosophicum' in
'Politics, Countermemory, Practice', which is a playful account of
Deleuze's work before his collaboration with Guattari and from which comes
the phrase ' perhaps one day this century will remembered as Deleuzian' (or
words to that effect, I don't quite remember it). There is also Michel
Foucault's intro to 'Anti-Oedipus' by Deleuze and Guattari, which situates
this work as an ethics for a non-fascist life.

On a more personal level, several bios of Foucault mention their
friendship, particularly 'the passion of Michel Foucault', but I get a bit
confused between which is which. The intro to Deleuze's 'Foucault' written
by Paul Bove is worth reading for a critical account of their resonance,
and their are no doubt countless other critical resources that other
Foucault/Deleuzophiles may be able to help you with better than I.

Perhaps smoe-one more organised will also be able to provide more detailed
info and references for these works, but you should be able to look them up
on any library database.
Good Luck 



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