File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/deleuze-guattari_1999/deleuze-guattari.9906, message 38

Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 18:13:07 -0400 (EDT)
From: Inna Runova Semetsky <>
Subject: Re: Deleuze's Transcendental Empiricism 3c?

Re PLI article: Thanks, amd, i do appreciate it. Do they still publish
PLI? I heard not any more?
Look forward to hearing about The Event. have you heard this french guy
who hasn't yet been translated? sorry name gone.
regards inna. 
PS re transc empiricism, Bruce Baugh paper in 1993 JBSP is very good,
detailed and not too obscure. It also addresses 'multiplicity". The only
thing that puzzles me there is the notion of empirical actuality or
singularity. I guess it is still this confusion and lack of clarity
regarding real viz actual that lurks everywhere in the background. Bruce
articulates very well the causal and quazi-causal production of the actual  
effect stressing the different causal histories for each actualization of
the event, yet the concept per ce of empirical actuality in the Deleuzian
sense (!) escapes me.  


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