File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/deleuze-guattari_1999/deleuze-guattari.9906, message 65

Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 22:35:56 +1000
From: Edwin Coleman <>
Subject: Re: art/capital

dan h wrote
> also,  d&g talk about art (in its broad sense) as revolutionary in
>anti-oedipus, when they talk about "a revolutionary machine" in relation
>to literature in particular...

they say this, massumi says that ...
sure, quotes provide springboards for discussion ; but let's not
authoritise them !

one of the most objectionable ways people put things these days is this 
"if X then Y ..."
where  X is vague but exciting and commonly acceptable, and Y is what the
author is actually claiming : 
but where X is not justified at all but its mention is nevertheless assumed
to have somehow grounded Y

>i thought i made it pretty clear that the quote grounded the question
>because I thought Massumi was giving art a revolutionary status as a
>mode of simulation that opposed capital.

so were you using massumi's idea, questioning it, opposing it or just
citing it ? and was it clear which ?

not trying to be simple-minded, just simple : grounding means what ?



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