File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/deleuze-guattari_1999/deleuze-guattari.9906, message 99

Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 20:08:50 EDT
Subject: schizoanalysis

First of all, let me begin by saying that I intend to take a creative and 
quite frankly, ideosyncratic tangent here, with no intent to challenge those 
following more linear and erudite routes.

I would like to draw a connection, once again, between the "wyrd" and 

I'd like to venture that schizoanalysis on one level is an analysis of 
tangents, and how they weave a tapestry.

Schizoanalysis on another level, if we just take it at face value for the 
word itself, is the analysis of "shizzes" : breaks, "breaches" (in the 
ethnomethodological sense), "cracks" (in Joseph Chilton Pearce's way of 
speaking, as in the Crack in the Cosmic Egg), schisms, split-offs...

An analysis of schisms implies studying the way things split off, mentally, 
socially, emotionally, physically. So in a sense we are here discussing the 
Analysis of Heresy. How do heresies form? What is their logic? How do ideas 
multiply, spin off, divide, into every (un)imaginable worldview? How do we 
account for the formation of cults?

Schizoanalysis travels in the cracks BETWEEN worldviews, between consistent 
identities, analyses, cosmologies ; traversing what on the mental realm is an 
undecidability but on the affective realm is a terrible, awesome freedom.

The "wyrd" is the Anglo Saxon concept of fate. The key concept is the concept 
of "weaving". We begin with the notion of interconnectedness. We also note 
that things interweave inexplicably, chaotically, turbulently. Suddenly our 
fateline is knitted to another. Who we are is an assemblage of connections 
across heterogeneous identities. Me, this Spring, a boar, the Moon in Aries, 
a kiss on your rapturous vulva, the briarpatch in the oak forest. The "wyrd" 
weaves a tapestry of what Carl Jung might call "synchronicity" : uncanny 
coincidences, unlikely comings-together.

This is not a static notion of fate. It is one that we influence by following 
our "wyrd-flow", our schiz-flux. For by discovering our own madness, we can 
WARP the woof, the weave, and open up spaces where new knittings can occur.

A Celtic approach reveres Knots, and so we have no need to begin with 
consistency or the need to unravel or untie and spread out onto a smooth 
plane, to ex-plane. We can consist in the briar patch, in the chthonic, and 
literally begin anywhere and take any tangent. All roads interweave. 
Consistency is not a necessity (tho it may be a mania of some). Curriculum is 
not necessarily relevant. A committed plunge in any direction and following 
any route may unveil interesting possibilities.

In this "relativisitic" "anything goes", certain consistencies develop, form 
transitional cascades of what might be called "processional structure" or 
solitons, and then the standing waves crash back into the foam. An "ethics" 
that cautions against tendencies which pull back into an establishment can be 
ventured. Thus, for example, the consistent application of sadistic 
tendencies will interfere with the free protean flow, as it will demand 
certain hierarchical tendencies. Rather, the protean flow goes beyond good 
and evil. The sophist policy of arguing all sides of anything is useful to 
unhinge knowledge from the illusion of establishment and make way for the 
surrealist exploration of the rigorous imagination! All stories become 

Living in this proteanflow is a sort of madness, a schiz-flux. Its logic is 
fundamentally different from the sort of approach that Bergson called the 
"snapshot", the intellect as freezeframer of reality that then catalogues and 
categorizes those freezeframes. Rather we shall recognize an approach that 
matches the speed of reality.

So, ethnomethodologically, when you create "breaches", you open up cracks in 
consensus reality, in worldviews that allow new possibilities of perception 
and interaction to come online, as Don Juan pointed out to Castaneda many 
times. "Doing the craziest thing" can be a way of pole-vaulting outside the 
arbitrary limits one has placed on oneself and reality.

some thoughts



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