File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/deleuze-guattari_2001/deleuze-guattari.0110, message 88

Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2001 13:23:12 EDT
Subject: More lectures online? 



 Can someone post their collection of online lectures or links? 

----------------  Bill

<A HREF=""></A>

Sven-Olov Wallenstein
Introduction to Gilles Deleuze=B4s philosophy
(6 min, RealAudio 28.8) and the symposium Folds of Multiplicity

John Rajchman
philosopher and co-editor of ANY and Artforum, New York
Sensations of the City
(42 min, RealAudio 28.8)

Manuel Delanda
artist and writer, New York
Deleuze and the Genesis of Form
(41 min, RealAudio 28.8) (also in text)

Astrid S=F6derbergh-Widding
associate professor at Dept of Cinema History and Theory, Stockholm
Concepts of Cinema: Deleuze and Film Theory
(33 min, RealAudio 28.8) (also in text)

Jacques Ranci=E8re
professor of philosophy, Paris
Deleuze and Aesthetics
(55 min, RealAudio 28.8)       





Can someone post their collection of online lectures or links?  

----------------  Bill

Sven-Olov Wallenstein
Introduction to Gilles Deleuze=B4s philosophy
(6 min, RealAudio 28.8) and the symposium Folds of Multiplicity

John Rajchman
philosopher and co-editor of ANY and Artforum, New York
Sensations of the City
(42 min, RealAudio 28.8)

Manuel Delanda
artist and writer, New York
Deleuze and the Genesis of Form
(41 min, RealAudio 28.8) (also in text)

Astrid S=F6derbergh-Widding
associate professor at Dept of Cinema History and Theory, Stockholm
Concepts of Cinema: Deleuze and Film Theory
(33 min, RealAudio 28.8) (also in text)

Jacques Ranci=E8re
professor of philosophy, Paris
Deleuze and Aesthetics
(55 min, RealAudio 28.8)        


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