File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/deleuze-guattari_2003/deleuze-guattari.0303, message 63

From: "fili houtman" <>
Subject: RE: i don't know about what to do now for obpeace
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 01:43:25 +0000

>BTW, what sauce for spaghetti?  Bolognese?  Carbonara?

i want spaghetti with onions, cheese, eggs and a little bith of horse rabbit 
dish. can you handle this?


-ok, then this is my receipee:
-spaghetti al dente
(8min boiled, water with a dash of salt cristal)
-water with hot pepper
-blend that into one mixed vegetable
-add carrots, planes and rockets salad
-if there you suddenfeel like adding more dash of salt, feel it free to do
-then and only add the onions. i advise you to have picked them days before 
in a field of rhubarb
-add some non, seeded hen egg in the boiling vegetable mixture, add the 
salad of planes with rocket dishes.
-polish your glass of vodka
smash the glass like when it's party and you are yiddish and lachaim
(which means it is in ysdish that you will drink the food, it means slanchu 
in irish.)
-the spaghetti are cooked so now you can eat those. yet enjoy it with 
spinozist sufficient reasoning because of the vodka on the floor.haha (btw 
someone knows if spinoza tried alcohol when he was in holland?)
-then go to bed and dream about the spicy hot hot seehorse sauces radish 
what you didn't eat so far. or all the force of the people in your kitchen 
who will for Peace and Dream in your island of food stores, in your block i 
ment sorry.byebye.



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