File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/deleuze-guattari_2004/deleuze-guattari.0404, message 4

From: "joan carol urquhart" <>
Subject: palmadoodles and other marginalia
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 2004 13:41:32 -0500

with sliversilvered lines
its layered tones and tomes
" those tumuli to which each new traveler adds a stone."
she is giving birth
to bear the re-con-figuraguattario
a scissored self event
all the while
drawing answers to all my questions

are peakaolkadotpotentials
that pack the punch
of a thousand conjoining planes
its sacred source
planonmenon of hope
of myriad laughing-buddhas-artists-incognitos
traditions of their rebellion
passed up the years
by all its zones
of palmadensablebecomingimperceptibles
its electrictectonic shifts
are indiscernables
and other hospitalities
that greet-me-seat-me-meet-me-in-the-middle
of its memymirroredjourney
into markings
in the distance of a light
that captures conjuredcouplings
like Turner's coloured lookingglassingbeamsofpureyedflight
redundancies reduced
to a timespacesensibility of selfanalysistermisterhoods
by those who compose chaos
in  the opus-ended-shadow of an aria
that prays the play of my one and only ageless question
"What terror haunts Van Gogh's head, caught in a becoming-sunflower?" D&G,

"The success of a revolution resides only in itself, precisely in the
vibrations, clinches, and openings it gave to men and women at the moment of
its making and that composes in itself a monument that is always in the
process of becoming, like those tumuli to which each new traveler adds a


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