File spoon-archives/dromology.archive/dromology_1997/dromology.9710, message 3

Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 12:36:19 -0700
From: Millicognitor Totengeist <>
Subject: DROMO: un-line und on-conch-us

Bitten by the rabid
Corascene dog, the
hermaphrodite babe,
Osiriassine Harrania, had
been laid back in the
sepulchral manger, one
of two, carved in stone,
made to resemble the
hollow eyes of a
gigantomachic head; and
sealed up in it, with an
half-sphere tightly fitted
down onto the
eye-socket by means of
a thick black rubber
gasket, and looking much
in the way of a bulbous
monacle with a stem or
spigot and another hole
through which a silver
lance, or telum passionis,
shall be passed to
puncture the
membranus of the
The two sepulchral
sockets communicate
through an intricate
filtering network, a white
ashen marrow, or terra
alba foliata. As the
aqueous hygrophobic
blood-ore of the
hermaphrodite filters
through the 
Visio Arislei, or
brain-filter, of the
oracular head-retort, the
other sepulchral socket
begins to fill with black
crystalline rice in a slurry
of gold-infused vinegar.
The socket begins to fill
and when full, vomits or
weeps into a trough
which passes on to the
hall of adepts and into
living retorts,
pseudo-lapis lined
external stomachs..

like a stone sitting upon a stone...

the adepts are all eating and shitting and eating and shitting...
gobbling the vinegarated slurry and producing the "stone which is no
stone", the "brain-stone" which passes like a golden rope from their
puckered athletic arse-retorts
into the great alabaster skull-commodes upon which they hunker and
imprisoned in their glass house beneathe the sea prisoners of King
Okeanos, the infernal Albedoan....

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