Subject: DROMO: War is Insane Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 22:54:46 +0100 ------ =_NextPart_000_01BD4262.567B6EC0 Dear All, Spill Industries would like to invite you to participate in a web site protesting the use of aggression and the act of war. We feel that the imminent aggression on the part of U.S. / U.K. forces against the people of Iraq is unacceptable and have decided to use the web as a 'theater' of protest. We invite submissions from artists, writers, designers -- anyone really -- to put up on our 'war is insane' site which can be found at: We have set up the site as a kind of public space / gallery to stimulate the use of the internet as a means of making political statements, and connecting people who wish to express their point of view regarding the tragedy of war. We ask that your submissions be web-ready images or text (or sound, vrml et al.), and not more than 50k. They can be sent to: We will make an effort to post your contributions as quickly as we can. We also invite you to forward this invitation to any and all who you feel might be interested in our efforts and/or interested in contributing work to our 'war is insane' site. We have primed the pump with 2 contributions; one from artist George Chaikin of Ocean / Earth and Newsroom, and another from designers evansandwong. We hope others will join us. Our Sincere Regards, Nicholas Chaikin Spill Industries ------ =_NextPart_000_01BD4262.567B6EC0 eJ8+IjgBAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQuAAQAhAAAAOUNCNjM3QjUyQkFFRDExMTg4QjM0NDQ1NTM1NDAw MDAA7QYBDYAEAAIAAAACAAIAAQSQBgCEAQAAAQAAAAwAAAADAAAwAgAAAAsADw4AAAAAAgH/DwEA AABvAAAAAAAAAIErH6S+oxAZnW4A3QEPVAIAAAAAZHJvbW9sb2d5QGplZmZlcnNvbi52aWxsYWdl LnZpcmdpbmlhLmVkdQBTTVRQAGRyb21vbG9neUBqZWZmZXJzb24udmlsbGFnZS52aXJnaW5pYS5l ZHUAAB4AAjABAAAABQAAAFNNVFAAAAAAHgADMAEAAAApAAAAZHJvbW9sb2d5QGplZmZlcnNvbi52 aWxsYWdlLnZpcmdpbmlhLmVkdQAAAAADABUMAQAAAAMA/g8GAAAAHgABMAEAAAArAAAAJ2Ryb21v bG9neUBqZWZmZXJzb24udmlsbGFnZS52aXJnaW5pYS5lZHUnAAACAQswAQAAAC4AAABTTVRQOkRS T01PTE9HWUBKRUZGRVJTT04uVklMTEFHRS5WSVJHSU5JQS5FRFUAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAA AgH2DwEAAAAEAAAAAAAAAjpbAQSAAQAOAAAAV2FyIGlzIEluc2FuZQCkBAEFgAMADgAAAM4HAgAZ ABYANgAuAAMAbQEBIIADAA4AAADOBwIAGQAWADYALgADAG0BAQmAAQAhAAAAOUNCNjM3QjUyQkFF RDExMTg4QjM0NDQ1NTM1NDAwMDAA7QYBA5AGAHgAAAAIAAAAAwAmAAAAAABAADkAINXF/DdCvQEe AB4MAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AHwwBAAAADgAAAHdhckBzcGlsbC5uZXQAAABAAAcwQKKc/DdC vQFAAAgwQKKc/DdCvQEeAD0AAQAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAwANNP03AADKFQ= ------ =_NextPart_000_01BD4262.567B6EC0--
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