Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 12:58:17 GMT Subject: DROMO: La bombe informatiqe/Angelaki/TCS Dromologists, As Yann just announced, Virilio's _La bombe informatique (1998) Galilee: Paris, has just been released in France. The first sentence of the book reads: "Civilisation ou militarisation de la science?" However, the _original conversation between Virilio and Freidrich Kittler and called 'The Information Bomb' has not been published - yet. It will, though, appear next year in a special issue of the journal _Angelaki to be entitled 'Machinic Modulations: New Cultural Theory & Technopolitics' Vol 4. No 2. and edited by myself. Also, I am (along with Mike Featherstone) currently putting the finishing touches to 'Paul Virilio: A Special Issue of the journal _Theory, Culture & Society. The issue contains a long interview with Virilio conducted by me and articles on and by Virilio inclusive of work by James Der Derian, Douglas Kellner, Verena Andermatt Conley, Mike Gane, Neil Leach, Patrick Crogan, and Nicholas Zurbrugg. It will be published in the Spring/Summer of 1999. There are also plans for it to be a book. Best wishes, John Armitage __________________________________________________ John Armitage, Division of Government & Politics, University of Northumbria at Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST, UK. Tel:0191-227-3943 Fax: 0191-227-4654. Home Page: __________________________________________________
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