File spoon-archives/feyerabend.archive/feyerabend_1995/1995, message 10

Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1995 21:48:48 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: PKF: new to list

I'm writing a dissertation on Friedrich Hayek's philosophy
of economics at UC-Riverside, working with Larry Wright and
Alex Rosenberg.  One interest I have in Feyerabend is his
relation to the study of the social aspects of scientific effort
and developments, e.g., the work of Sarkar, Kitcher, Hull, and
Kuhn, etc.

One question I have right off the bat is about Feyerabend's
participation in Hayek Alp conference in 1966, titled the
Analogy Symposium.  Hayek sponsored this symposium between
Aapril 17-24, 1966 in Bellagio, Italy.  If anyone can  tell
me what Feyerabend was working on in the 1965-1966 period,
or what paper he might have presented at this conference I
would find this of great interest.  Hayek's own product of
this conference includes his important "Rules, Perception, and
Intelligibility", collected in his Studies in Philosophy, etc.
Hayek's original intent was to get his close associates
M. Polanyi and K. Popper together, but both Polanyi and Popper
found reasons not to do so.

A second general inquiry would be about Feyerabend's role in
the development of eliminitive materialism.  One curious thing
here is Feyerabend's connection to Quine and Rorty on this.

Greg Ransom
Dept. of Philosophy



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