File spoon-archives/feyerabend.archive/feyerabend_1995/1995, message 12

Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 18:42:06 +0100 (BST)
Subject: PKF: Hi!

Hi all, I've just joined this list, and I look forward to participating in 
your discussions.

My name is Juan Herrera. I'm a student of computer science at Universidad 
EAFIT, Medellin, Colombia. I used to study physics at the state 
university here, but had to withdraw due to several problems there (think 
of Paris '68, you get the picture). Still, I love physics and I hope I 
can make graduate study after I get my bachelor's.

I first knew about Feyerabend's work in a series of lectures on the 
philosophy of science at my former college, where we read some fragments 
from "Against Method". I really liked Feyerabend's wit and his criticism 
of science.

Despite my little background in physical science, I think that the development
of physics shows all the traits Feyerabend points out. The irrational way 
it has grown since Galileo, the naivety of trying to engrave in stone a 
set of never-changing rules for the development of science, and the fact 
that there's nothing special with western science but a certain historic 

Well, that's all. Also, I would like to ask if Feyerabend did publish 
"conquest of abundance" (or something like that, I only knew this was the 
tentative name in Spanish).



With no more weapons than my hands,      |  Juan Herrera
I reached for my gun,                    |  <
picked up my machete,                    |  Computer Science
and kicked 'im on the...                 |  Universidad EAFIT, Medellin



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