File spoon-archives/feyerabend.archive/feyerabend_1997/feyerabend.9704, message 11

Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 00:48:45 +0200
From: (olivier  manoury)
Subject: PKF: introducing myself

Thanks for accepting me in the Feyerabend forum.
My name is Olivier Manoury ,I live in Paris.
I am a musician and not at all educated in scientific matters, I was
introduced to PKF works by a friend and I red Against Method, Killing Time
and I am now reading farwell to reason.
I have been a reader of Montaigne for years and I think those two men have
a very similar philosophy though they are separated by four centuries.
Like Feyerabend, Montaigne opposed the variety of religions, beliefs, laws
and  habits that existed and proved their efficiency, to the dogmatic views
of christian thinkers (romans and lutherians altogether) He red everything
he could find about African, Asian and American native cultures, fom
navigators vrittings frequent in the 16th century, he travelled to Rouen to
meet american indians. He applied the "anything goes" priniple.
Did anybody in the list thought of these similarities?
PKF is not very popular in France where rationalists are powerfull and
where intellectuals are militants. Few people read english here, but
against method is available in french and Killing time has been translated
ans published in french a few weeks ago without making much noise.  Perhaps
French philosopher think they are the center of the world.
One of the main qualities of Feyerabend is the clear language he uses (as
opposed to the french obscurantist fashion -Lacan, Deleuse, Derrida etc..).
He has nothing to hide, when obscurantists conceal their limits behind a
cloud of ink as the octopus does.



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