File spoon-archives/feyerabend.archive/feyerabend_1997/feyerabend.9705, message 2

Date: Mon, 26 May 1997 11:55:27 +0800
Subject: PKF: new subscriber & interest in Feyerabend

Hullo Everyone,

I was thrilled to discover a mailing list devoted to Feyerabend's ideas.

I am a M.Ed.student at the Uni.of Western Australia, with a background in
Ancient & Medieval History; Classical Art & Archaeology; Prehistoric
Archaeology; Greek & Roman Philosophy; Anthropology, Librarianship and
Social Work. In Education, I have specialised in Curriculum; Comparative
Ed;  Ed. History; and Philosophy.

Currently I am in the last stages of my M.Ed. - the research dissertation
stage - which must be submitted by early January '98. My research involves
the philosophical analysis of the concept "political correctness", and in
particular, the knowledge bases underlying the various useages and their
power/status differentiation. The thesis will be problematic, in terms of
assessment, as I have rejected all the entrenched, traditional formats
governing thesis/dissertation writings laid down in the higher degrees'
regulation bible. My thesis has no methodology; it advocates throughout
that if  "seeing" is "believing", then "believing" is "seeing"; and as a
first principle that "objective," "objective standards," "objectivity"
"objective rational debate" etc. is non-existant, its an appearance only as
the reference group's interests have either been ommitted or are extremely
covert. This stance will be justified on the basis of Feyerabend's
arguments, in particular those advanced in his "Against Method".    

I was first introduced to Feyerabend's work 3 years ago in Dr. Felicity
Haynes' post-graduate education course on the epistemology of knowledge.
For me, everything instantly crystallised and fell into place.  For the
first time I felt comfortable with my anarchism and the extremely hot water
I landed myself into from time to time with many of the staff and my fellow
students. With breathtaking clarity and brilliance he had voiced for me,
all my doubts, struggles and arguments not only with "knowing",
"knowledge", and the power differentiation of "knowledge"; but with the
assumptions underlying the various quantitative, qualitative and historical
research methodologies. Dr Felicity Haynes, also a rebel, and my very
supportive, ruthless critical supervisor, after 2 years has been able to
reclaim her copies of Feyerabend. I now have my own. When things get
difficult, seem murky or confusing, or I get disheartened, I always re-read
Feyerabend. It helps to clear the brain and put things back into perspective. 

I look forward to being on this mailing list.




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