File spoon-archives/feyerabend.archive/feyerabend_1998/feyerabend.9802, message 2

Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 17:36:15 -0800 (PST)
Subject: PKF: New Energy, New Physics, part 2 of 3

Subject: New Energy, New Physics, part 2 of 3
Date: Feb 2, 1998
From: (Art B Rosenblum)

Part 2
Interview with Dr. Randdell Mills on New Energy, New Physics

AR:   Right. Well, it sounds  extremely interesting and  has a lot
to do with the  future of the planet as I  see it, because a major
part of our planetary problems is fighting over oil. 

RM:   Yes, do you want to  talk about a really interesting - we
hired  this  guy,  Jim  Kendall,  who's working out - I mean in
terms  of your  audience, I  think this  is really  a fascinating
concept that he's working on now for our system designs.  We just
hired him, we're very lucky to get him.

AR:  What's his name?

RM:  Jim Kendall.  He's a PhD Engineer type  and the thing
that's really interesting is he's  working on this concept - the
terms of the technology  is already  available. You know all  the
cars  are out there in the parking lot, I don't know where you are
now, but you know all these cars sitting around these parking
lots, sitting in driveways and  all that.   You know  a car  is a
very substantial power  station.  You  could actually  take an
internal combustion engine and put a generator on it and you can
run your car with electric motors, right?  That's what these
hybrid vehicles.

AR:  Yes, hybrid is so much more efficient than - 

RM:  Well, that's  what they're talking about.   They're actually
talking  about  using  some  internal  combustion  engine  with a
generator and electric  motors, right?  Well, they have fuel 
cells or people at Capstone for example out in Torrence, is
looking at like mini-turbine type of things.

Well,  if you  ran the  internal combustion  engine in that mode,
you'd have  so much carbon  monoxide and all  kinds of pollutants
that you couldn't  even breathe.  Secondly, the gasoline would be
so phenomenally expensive and  we'd run out of  gasoline probably
in about ten years, or twenty years.

AR:  You mean if everybody in the world lives like we do?

RM:  No, I meant if  everyone ran their electrical generation off
the automobile, too. 

AR:  Right.

RM:   But,  if  you  are  using  our  process - and gasoline's
very expensive,  relative  to  coal.   The  reason we have
centralised power  plants  is  because  you  have  economy of
scale for fuel. Because you could take these  huge truckloads or
train loads of coal  like the Brunner Island plant  outside
Harrisburg uses 100  carloads a  day at  100 tons  per carload.  
That's a lot of gasoline, you know, if you are going to  look at
that equivalent. That's one power plant.

But  the  concept  is  you'd  have  one of these Blacklight Power
cells, making  maybe 200 kW thermal and  then you'd have a hybrid
vehicle,  you'd put that  into an external  combustor gas turbine
with a  generator on line, so you'd make electricity  and you'd
run down the road with electric motors.  Then you'd park it and
you'd plug your car into  the grid and it would continue  to run
and it would create about 40 kW  electric that would go out on the
grid. And you would get  a credit for it and then here at home
when you are drawing down juice you'd get a debit  and the utility
company wouldn't even own a power plant.  I mean, there's enough
cars put out on the road in the  United States to more than match
the entire electrical generating capacity of the United States.

AR:  I got your point.  OK, that's very clear.  So how close  are
we  to actually  producing a  fuel cell  working with this system
that would -

RM:   It's not a  fuel cell; it's  a gas power  cell. A fuel cell
is actually a battery, you  put hydrogen and oxygen in  and then
you make the hydrogen.  Now if you made hydrogen from electrolysis
of water,  you'd actually use about four times more fossil fuel
that burning it directly.

AR:  I  know that but I  don't care about the  words - fuel cell -
that's right it's a gas cell.

RM:  Yes,  that's right, just call it  a gas power cell, hydrogen
power cell.  How close are we? Well, the theory's all worked out,
the  validations  are  worked  out, the  lower  energy  hydrogen's
been identified,  that  is  a  product,  and  we  have  power 
densities equivalent  to  many  electrical  power  plants  and 
running  at temperatures  comparable  to  many  electrical  power
plants. And we're  getting validated energy  balance of a 
thousand times the energy of burning hydrogen.  So we know the
process works and now it's  just  the  time  it  takes  to
retro-fit that into existing technology. We don't have to invent
anything new,  we're using  vacuum furnaces and  we're going to
use external combustor gas turbines, so  it's  just   a  matter 
of  retro-fitting  it into  existing technology.

So depending  on how fast we  are at executing that  plan and
how fast we are getting partners to push that agenda forward it
could happen very quickly. And the thing is, right now we're
working on 100kW  thermal unit  up at  Thermacore in Lancaster.
Once we got that then  you can  put that  into cars,  you can
put that  into distributor    power  generation,   that  could
meet in developing countries where  they don't have transmission 
lines, that could meet an enormous percentage of the market.

AR:  Right.

RM:  We're probably about six months from having that built. 

AR:   Six months from having that built?

RM:  Right.

AR:   Wow!  Well, that is extremely interesting and I will let
my brother know all about this and it's just fantastic.

RM:  You'll  be able to get some good  stuff off the web.
There's some summary there that you could cut to put into an
article.  We put up a  couple of articles there, one  that the
Lancaster paper - Sunday  News'  ran  and  I  thought  was a
really good job, that Reuters put out on the news wire.

AR:  That's what I have.

RM:  Yes,  I think  between all  those, you'll  probably get
some good information.

Interview with Dr Mills at Blacklight Power Company in Malvern:
( We now break into a personal interview) 

AR:  And  if  this is so then, in the next  few  years, systems
will be developed as you spoke of, that cars that can run on
practically nothing for energy. Energy will be the cheapest  
thing in the world, not as cheap as water  but  that we won't have
a big problem with it.

RM:  Fuel will be cheap.  I wouldn't  say  energy would be, it's
going to cost something   because   of  capital   equipment   to  
create electricity or to create motive power from the fuel is
still going to  - it will vary. We have to  convert  thermal 
energy into  either  motor  power  or electrical  power, and that
requires a piece  of  hardware  and we're  using  existing
hardware, namely  gas  turbines  and steam turbines which are
reasonably expensive.  Compared to the  fuel  that the vehicle or
the fuel that a power  plant would use, or the right kind of power
plant, the fuel outweighs  the  cost of the capital equipment, 
but  albeit capital equipment is still a major cost.  

AR:  Yeah, but that can come down. How would you say it compares
with solar energy?

RM:  Oh  solar  energy  is very expensive  because  the capital
equipment costs are so unbelievably high. So you understand the
basic process.  We're taking hydrogen and making another chemical?

AR:  Alright, now I don't know if anything is still secret if you
are applying for a patent, presumably you reveal the secret,

RM:      Yes.

AR:  And so you've already got one in Australia, I understand?

RM:      Yes.

AR:      So the secret, there's no secret any more?

RM:      No secret.

AR:  How  then  do  you  convert the  hydrogen  at  low pressure,
and I don't know what temperature, to hydrinos and you've got the
power. I know you have potassium as a  catalyst  but what exactly
do you feed into the  chamber that makes this happen? 

RM:  Well we need atomic hydrogen.

AR:  Which means separate from molecular hydrogen?

RM:  You  can  make  atomic  hydrogen  from  molecular hydrogen by
dissociation, which is a commonly-known process.

AR:      Using an electric arc?

RM:  You  can make atomic hydrogen using electric  arc, you can
make it cheaper and more  efficiently in terms of capital cost and
energy  balance  if you make atomic hydrogen by just dissociating
it on refractory  metals at high temperature.  For instance if you
take tungsten at elevated temperature, it will break,
automatically break molecular hydrogen into atomic hydrogen.

AR:  Something like the tungsten filament in a bulb?

RM:  Tungsten  filament in a bulb will do it  perfectly fine.  The
tungsten filament in a bulb  is  in  a  vacuum and if you
introduce  low  pressure hydrogen in there, a certain  fraction 
of the hydrogen in  that  bulb  will  be atomic hydrogen.

AR:  I got it. OK, and then what happens?

RM:  Then we take the potassium and you have to have it run very
hot.  So we run  potassium  ions,  you need potassium  plus ions -

AR:   Hydrogen ions? 

RM:  Plus hydrogen atoms. And we  vaporize the potassium ions.
They're actually heated up, everything  has  a vapor pressure -
like this desk, the varnish on this desk, if you had a mass
spectrometer in this room - everything  in  this room would have a
vapor pressure.  We heat these metals up, they boil off and
eventually -

AR:  That's what happens in a vacuum tube.

RM:  Right, you  boil  off  and you get the  continuou - well
vacuum deposition is a commonly known  process.   So  in  the 
vacuum,  you  heat  up   the potassium, it vaporizes,
contacts  hydrogen atoms, and there is a resonant  transfer  of
energy, that is, there's a match in the energy level of  the
hydrogen  atom to the difference in energy of two potassium
ions  for  the reaction of electron being transferred  from
one potassium ion to another. The  potassium  ions  have  other 
electrons  they  can  be ionised.   If  you take away the second
electron  from  the potassium  ion,  it causes an electron to
reduce  the first  potassium ion so one goes to K2 plus and the 
other  one goes to K0.  The energy to do that is 27.2 eV.  That is
the potential  energy  of a hydrogen atom when  it's  in  its
first non-radiative state.

So  the  potential energy of the hydrogen atom is equal to the 
energy for transferring electrons from one potassium plus ion  to 
another potassium plus ion.  So that hydrogen  atom forms that
potential energy state spontaneously by emitting light  and  you 
can have it form other, stable, non-radiative states by
transferring, in this case, non-radiatively  27.2
eV to something else that will accept 27.2 eV.

In  the process the electron of the hydrogen atom undergoes
a transition to another stable state and part of the energy
is transferred resonantly to this catalyst,  the rest of it can
come out as radiation  within the vacuum.  In fact, you can see
those extreme  uv lines in solar flares, in the solar corona, you
can see  it in  the  dark interstellar media.  There's quite a 
lot  of spectroscopy  of  unassigned lines in  the  extreme  uv 
in astrophysics, but those transitions match exactly.  That is the
transitions  of  taking some  of  the  energy  out  of hydrogen 
and  it becomes unstable and emits  the  rest  as light.   The
energy levels are given by the Rydberg formula. It describes the
principal energy levels of the hydrogen atom  and  the 
transitions between these principal  energy levels   gives   the 
light  frequencies  that   come   off spontaneously.  It turns
out, those states correspond to integers in that formula and the
states that we're  talking about correspond to fractions in the
same formula.

It's  not  any  fraction it's 1/I where I  is  an  integer.
Those are the fractional states, we have one half, a third,
a fourth, a fifth.

AR:  This   is   physics/math  that  I  don't   really understand,
so what I want to know is something I can understand, like what
then happens? Say you have a combustion chamber of a certain size?

RM:  You  can think of it as a combustion chamber  when you think
of a gaseous reaction like inside the cylinder of a car, but this
would be much lower pressure, and be very hot right after the 
ignition inside the cylinder, so you have vapourised catalyst then
hydrogen atoms that have formed because there's a refractory metal
like  a tungsten film and  it's very hot, breaks the molecules
into atoms, they contact  the catalyst  and  by  contacting the
atoms with  the  catalyst energy is transferred from the hydrogen
to the  potassium just  as when you contact hydrogen atoms and
oxygen atoms you get combustion. Here if you contact potassium
ions  and  hydrogen atoms you get hydrogen  going  to  a lower
energy state -

AR:  And the potassium getting hotter? 

RM:  The  potassium takes away part of the energy - Oh, it gets
hotter in the sense that  it  goes  to a higher energy state, 
gives  off  that energy to the system and returns back to
potassium ions, so it serves as a catalyst.

AR:  In the vacuum, how does the hydrino then go off, or does it
stay until you somehow take it out?

RM:  Well, once  you've  formed fractional atomic hydrogen, it has
what they call binding energy', that is the energy it takes to
remove the electron  to form a free electron and a proton.  It 
has  a binding energy that's a multiple of 27.2 eV.  So
when  I  told  you  we had to absorb  27.2  to  cause  the
catalysis of hydrogen to the lower states.  Well, once  you
have formed the hydrogen itself in that lower state it  has
a  binding  energy of a multiple of 27.2, so it can  become
its own catalyst, it's auto-catalytic.

AR:  The hydrogen atoms gradually become, or quickly become

RM:  Yes  and they become auto-catalytic to form lower and lower
states of hydrinos until one of two things happens.  Either two
hydrinos react and form a di-hydrino,  a molecule, which is stable
and doesn't burn  and we haven't seen any chemical  reactivity at
all from this new form of hydrogen, or it's so small it just
diffuses out of the system.

AR:  Through the container?

RM:  Right through the container as if it's much smaller than
helium and it'll go right through the container.

AR:  Much smaller than hydrogen atoms too?

RM:  Smaller than hydrogen atoms, smaller than helium.

AR:  Through the spaces between the atoms - 

RM:  In the container, yes.

RM:  Just  as if you had a balloon and if you  fill  it with
helium after a while the gas will leak  out  of the balloon. 
Because the helium is small and it's neutrally charged so
eventually it leaks out.

 AR:  But hydrogen is still smaller than helium?

                                        CONTINUED IN PART 2

          MILLS INTERVIEWS:  PART 2   (Continued from Part 1)

AR:  But hydrogen is still smaller than helium?

RM:  No, hydrogen is bigger than helium. The  one half hydrino is
about the size of a helium atom.

AR:  The one half hydrino, meaning a hydrino that hasn't lost all
of its energy - 

RM:  No.  You have normal hydrogen, so let's talk  about the
fractional states, you have normal hydrogen.  Normal hydrogen has
a principle  quantum number of n is 1 and  that  has the size of
the radius of the hydrogen  atom which is 5.29 times 10 (to
the  minus 11) metres.  And helium is about .56 that  size. It's 
about half the size.  Now the hydrino, one  half,  is half  the
size of normal hydrogen, or .5 the radius of  the hydrogen atom.

AR:  I see, so it's like a helium?

RM:  Very close to the size of the helium atom.

AR:  I  never knew that heliums were smaller  than  the
hydrogen atoms.

RM:  Helium atoms are smaller.

AR:   OK, cause they have neutrons, I would assume -

RM:  It does.  Yes, but that's the nucleus.  The nucleus has
neutrons but the electron is what determines the size.

AR:  I get it, so the orbital size of a hydrino is much
smaller than that of a hydrogen atom?

RM:  Half  the size, yes.  And then if you  go  to  one third,
it's one third the size, one fourth, the lower and lower you go in
energy it gets to  be a fractional size of normal hydrogen.

AR:  I see. Now  what  gives  a thousand times  the  power 
burning hydrogen?

RM:  On average we are going down to the 1 over 10 to the 1 over
20th level of hydrogen.   So we'd have a hydrino say 1 over 15
would be the quantum level that goes in the  Rydberg formula to
describe its binding  energy. That  is  the  energy  it  takes to 
remove  the  electron. Actually there's this infinite formula that
goes back to the 1800s, 13.6 over  n squared. All  the  energy
levels of hydrogen that are  spontaneously radiative fit that
formula where the n is 1,2,3, an integer. 
AR:  Again, we're talking mathematics.

RM:  But this is important to understand, because you are talking
about the size and I'm  telling you that fractional quantum
numbers that go  into the energy formula are the same fractional
numbers that describe its size relative to hydrogen.

AR:  So the container that you have, the stainless steel container

RM:  You  can  use stainless steel, yes.   You  can  use
molybdenum, or tungsten or stainless  steel.   You  have to  run 
this  at  very  high temperatures, so you need something that will
run  to  high temperatures.  Stainless steel is pretty good. 

AR:  That's what aircraft exhaust systems are made of. 

RM:  Oh, it would work for some of our cells, it would melt under
the conditions that other of our cells work at. 

AR:  Would you use a ceramic?

RM:  No we'd use either molybdenum or tungsten.
AR:  Tungsten, OK. Tungsten can stand very high temperatures.

RM:  3000 degrees centigrade.

AR:  And so, does it happen that the container heats up to 
temperatures like 3,000 degrees?

RM:  The container runs at - the ones we have run - we had center
line of 2,000 degrees C and the outer stainless steel part of it
was  850 degrees centigrade. With the one we're designing now, the
container wall itself will be at 2,000 degrees.

AR:  I see. and then, that heat is taken off by - 

RM:  Heat exchangers and then it can be used in  a gas turbine. 
And the gas turbine can  be  used to turn a generator, or generate
motor power. Standard conversion.

AR:  OK, if you've got heat, there are ways to produce

RM:  Yes, this is a cheap way of making heat.

AR:  You continue to feed in hydrogen and does all  the
hydrogen you feed in at a controlled  rate, no doubt, change to
hydrinos  or  just  a fraction of it?

RM:  A pretty large percentage of it.

AR:  But  the  rest would tend to fill up the chamber, right?

RM:  No. What we feed in there - we've done batch studies
where you put in hydrogen and leave it in there till the reaction
stops.  So all the hydrogen  in  that  cell  is eventually 
consumed  to  make hydrinos.

AR:  I see.  And you just let the hydrinos go ...

RM:  They diffuse out eventually, yes.

AR:  Eventually, can the process run continuously?

RM:  It  can  run continuously, also. We've done  that.
Where you feed in new hydrogen.

AR:  Right. At a controlled rate, just as fast as it's needed?

RM:  Yes. So you have very low mass because you get a tremendous
amount of energy per atom so you don't need very many atoms.

AR:  Right, I understand.  Then the next step is just efficient
use of the heat that's produced and engineers have worked at that
for a long, long time.

RM:  That's correct, we are working on that now.  And there's
are a lot of very interesting technologies to which this lends
itself.  One of the things we're looking at, we're looking at a
couple of  scenarios, of course, there is retro-fit of central
power plants  where you just take an existing boiler and you justy
put in  our  gaseous  reactor that converts hydrogen  to  lower
energy  hydrogen and generates power on a large scale and either
turns a gas turbine or a steam turbine to make electricity.

The  other  scenario is that we would look at  distributive
power,  or  we make maybe 1 megawatt units and we  put  the
little power generators out at the locations where you have
sub-stations today and they would generate power for,  say,
200 homes or several businesses.

AR:  Assuming, water is available, does the water  have
to be specially pure?

RM:  No,  any kind of water will do.  As long  as  it's
water that has hydrogen in it.

AR:  I lived 12 years in Paraguay and I've been in other
countries, Cuba for instance,which is much much more advanced than

RM:  Yes,  I'd  say  so, they're kind  of  having  some economic
problems right now, but you'd know more about that.

AR:  They  had severe economic problems three  or  four years ago,
they are pretty well over that.

RM:  That's good news.

AR:  It's great and everybody is educated. 

RM:  That's a good point.

AR:  Everybody  can read and they would  jump  on  this
energy system.

RM:  They're  probably  in need of  energy,  especially
since the Russians kind of cut back on their supplies.

AR:  Right,  they've  been thinking of  finishing  this
nuclear power plant that was started by the Russians -

RM:  Probably don't have the technology.

AR:  They found some oil, but it's not the best quality.  They  do
need  energy and they  have  energy  but where near what they need
and I don't know if you'd be, at what point, maybe not now, but at
some point, you would be willing to allow Cuban scientists to come
here and -

RM:  Well, I'd have to look into that.  I think there's
some export restrictions still.

AR:  Oh yes, export you can't -

RM:  On  a  scientific  basis, I could  talk  to  them.

Export I think there's still restrictions.

AR:  I've got the Government restrictions here, I've got the
Treasury Department stuff and there's huge loopholes, you know you
could fly a Cessna through the loopholes.   What's  prohibited is
doing  business.   Every other country can do business with Cuba
but we can't.

RM:  So you could probably do business through the other
companies in other countries.

AR:  If you are established with any other country  you have no
problem.  But scientists,  Cuban scientists can come here and
learn  everything and do the work there, but  maybe  not  be  able
to pay you.  That  might  be  the problem.

RM:  Yes, I don't think we have problems with Cuba anyhow,  I
don't think they're PCT signatories.  Have you got any more

AR:  Yes,  I  have lots of questions.  The  thing  that surprises
me greatly is that the military of this country hasn't come down
on you and said: "This is a military secret."

RM:       Well, I think it's still controversial, I think in
time the military will see some applications, to it, but  right
now we aren't  working  with  the military or contemplate it at 
any  time  in  the near future, we're just  working  on developing
it as a new civilian   type   of  energy  source,  From   a  
business perspective.

AR:  I've  heard rumors, I don't know  the  facts,  I heard rumors
that some other inventions have been concealed in that way.

RM:  No, this one hasn't.

AR:  Right. And  from  what I understand,  from  what you've
already told me, when the patent  is  published here, presumably
anybody  could  do what you are doing?

RM:  That's correct.  Under licence they could.

AR:  But  to be legally doing it, you'd have to license them. 

RM:  That's correct.

AR:  But the information would be out there and if they chose to
do it illegally you couldn't stop them except by suing them.

RM:  That's correct.

AR:  But,  at the same time, it's clear that ultimately it will be
possible for the people to have it, whether big corporations do or

RM:  Well, we're working on these two distributive power schemes. 
There'd be personal units. You'd have one  for your home, you'd
have one for business and  office and the other one is clustered,
what they call distributive power and that is when you have a
unit, say at the sub-station, which may feed 20 businesses or 200
homes, this is the megawatt unit which will feed up to 200 homes.

And then the other form of individualised power that I like the 
best,  for the long term, is that an automobile, if it had a 
generator, it would generate about 100 kW  electric and there are
10 million new vehicles  made  a year  which  would give you a
thousand billion watts.   Now the  total  electrical generating
capacity  of  the  United States  is only 600 billion watts.  So
every year you  have new  cars  coming off the assembly line, and
when you  park your  vehicle you would plug the wire into the grid
and  it would generate 100kW electricity and you'd be paid for 
the electricity.

AR:  And  what that means to me, and it would  me, having lived in
other countries is that one vehicle  in  a  village could supply
power  for  the  whole village. 

RM:  The whole village, that's correct.  In fact, 100 kW  is  a 
lot. 100kW could heat would be about 20 homes, American homes.

AR:  Then it means that you'd have a mobile power station and one
could drive to every village in every country of the world.

RM:  Well,  if you look around at the parking lots, you go down to
Philadelphia, people have $20, $30,000 dollar investment in cars,
and they're not making them any money. They're using them 3
percent of the time , and  they park in a garage or in a parking
lot. You'd have a strip going down the parking lot; people plug
their cars in and there's a  system already that will recognise
which car it  is  and give you a credit, while you're selling
juice back to the power company and when you use this electricity
you'll get a debit.

So the electric utility  in the future would be more or less like
a re-sell of power.  You could  generate  more than $10,000 worth 
of electricity with your car and you could do that  today if you
put an electrical generator on your car, the problem is that the
gasoline would cost more than what the  coal cost to make the
electricity. Plus the antendant pollution -

AR:  We don't have to worry about that. That's not going to

RM:  Well, this could make that technology happen.  It's all in
place, I mean the power  conversion equipment, you step up  the 
voltage, step  down  the voltage, change the frequency. All that's
in place.

AR:  I know all that stuff.

RM:  The computer technology can handle all the debiting
and crediting.

AR:  My  question  is different. The two of us, if your secretary
could take a photo of us ?  

RM:  Oh, sure, Let her take a picture and I'll give you some
pictures of the live equipment. 

AR:  One other question. Say you have a power plant in a  car. How
long will  that  power plant hold up, before the tungsten or the
other  parts deteriorate from the heat and have to be replaced?

RM:  Well, that's a good question.  Those questions are things we
have to answer. There  aren't  any moving parts, so it should  be 
possible that that shouldn't be the  weak link.  Now, if you do
look at the next weak link, the turbine, turbines of the air
bearing kind, those mini-trubines, they will  run  a phenomenally
long time. At least  for  motor power  applications. Capstone, for
example, is looking into putting turbines in to replace internal
combustion engines using fossil fuel. And, those turbines  should 
last  a lifetime.  Turbines are run for an extremely long time.

Your  next  question  was  about  electric  motors.   Well,
electric motors are very, very resilient also.

AR:  My question is your generating system for producing the heat,
how long will that hold up?

RM:  We  don't  see any problems with it being  a  weak link in
the technology, so that's really good. 

AR:  That answers my question.  Stainless steel, for instance
which is the cheapest that you've mentioned, could hold out
alifetime and not get burned out, corroded...

RM:  Well, we're working on that but we don't see any problems
with that at the time being. 

AR:  OK, so that's a developed field that would hold up?

RM:  And there's no moving parts in that.  
AR: I understand, there's no moving parts. 

RM: You have the heat exchanger, the vacuum vessel.   Then we have
the electrolyser but for the  amount of hydrogen that would have 
to  electrolyse for example a tank of water with a thousand times
the energy of burning hydrogen. Which  we  are  seeing  in the lab
now  and  we  have  that independently validated.  A tank of water
for a 200 hp automobile going 60 mph., that tank would take you
100,000 miles.

So the  electrolyser doesn't look like that's going  to  be  a
weak link either, because it doesn't use very much hydrogen. 

AR:  I'm interested in how airplanes would work on this?

RM:  Well, probably use a turbine engine, but you'd have to make a
very high powered and very compact heat exchanger and you'd pull
the air in, and the  same  way the gas turbine would  work  in the
automobile you'd have a gas turbine  in the airplane.

AR:  This is just a total revolution for the planet.

RM:  It is, it represents an unbelievable - if you are going to
design an energy source, you couldn't design anything better.

AR:  Exactly.

RM:  Because  the  planet is essentially  made  out  of water, and
the amount you would use up would take thousands and thousands of
years just  to remove the water from  the  biosphere that burning
fossil fuels put the atmosphere in the first place.

AR:  We wouldn't have to worry about  the  water situation.

RM:  No there's billions and billions - inexhaustible.

AR:  My  operation is a shoestring operation. I just depend on the
lord  somehow if I work for the universe, the universe works  for
me. I have an income, presently from a trust my mother left of
about $12,000 a  year 

RM:  OK.

AR:  And we have a family of four; that supports us well enough -
and people ask how can you  own  an airplane on that income. 
Well, people donate, you  know we got a twelve hundred dollar
radio in the airplane just recently donated  by  Icom. 

RM: How nice. 

AR: And I'm looking forward  to  a donation of good GPS and there
are various things they hear what I'm doing, when they read about
this, they're gonna donate more.

RM: Could be. 

AR: This is beyond everything. 

RM: Yeah, a pile of information from us. 

AR: I'm serving the planet in ways that they are not able  to do
at this time; some are in some way and people appreciate it and
they help me.

[OK, that's about the end of the personal interview, we then went
and  took some pictures and now here's another  phone
call with Dr Mills]

Continued in part 3



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