Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 11:53:11 +0200 (MEST) Subject: PKF: Foucault and Feyerabend Dear all! My name`s Martin Freudenreich and I`m a student for philosophy and physic at Paderborn University/ Germany. Right now I`m engaged in writing my diploma thesis about Paul K. Feyerabend and his opinion about rationality. As PKF doesn`t restrict his work on philosophy of science alone but also wants to analyse science and its connection to society, the name Michel Foucault hit me several times. (Hilary Putnam said, that both "Feyerabend and Foucault" would be "extremists", who had "something political" in their heads.) With my poor English it`s hard to describe in detail what I am up to, but I would be glad if anyone could tell me if PKF ever mentioned Foucault oder whether there are books that draw an connection between Foucault and PKF. Thank you! Martin Freudenreich ( -- Sent through Global Message Exchange - -- Sent through Global Message Exchange - ********************************************************************** Contributions: Commands: Requests:
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