Subject: PKF: Re: Foucault and Feyerabend Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 13:18:58 -0500 On page 82 of "Farewell to Reason" Feyerabend mentions Foucault and Kuhn because Putnam had linked the three (along with positivism and Popper's critical rationalism) as relativistic and self-refuting philosophies. Feyerabend surely does not mention Foucault often and I do not recall Foucault ever mentioning Feyerabend. There are similarities, e.g., both appeal to local knowledge (Foucault uses the phrase "subjugated knowledges) as a counterpoint to universalistic rationalism. Good luck with your project. Larry -----Original Message----- From: <> To: <> Date: Friday, August 20, 1999 7:37 AM Subject: PKF: Foucault and Feyerabend >Dear all! > >My name`s Martin Freudenreich and I`m a student for philosophy and physic >at Paderborn University/ Germany. Right now I`m engaged in writing my >diploma thesis about Paul K. Feyerabend and his opinion about rationality. >As PKF doesn`t restrict his work on philosophy of science alone but also >wants to analyse science and its connection to society, the name Michel >Foucault hit me several times. (Hilary Putnam said, that both "Feyerabend and >Foucault" would be "extremists", who had "something political" in their heads.) >With my poor English it`s hard to describe in detail what I am up to, but >I would be glad if anyone could tell me if PKF ever mentioned Foucault oder >whether there are books that draw an connection between Foucault and PKF. > >Thank you! > >Martin Freudenreich >( > > > > > > >-- >Sent through Global Message Exchange - > > > >-- >Sent through Global Message Exchange - >********************************************************************** >Contributions: >Commands: >Requests: > ********************************************************************** Contributions: Commands: Requests:
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