File spoon-archives/feyerabend.archive/feyerabend_2000/feyerabend.0002, message 10

From: "Alexander Patterson" <>
Subject: PKF: Response for Marko
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 16:24:37 +0100

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Hi Marko - this a is long time in coming back, but:

You asked ,,Anyway I failed to see any relation between PKF non-conformism and the
non-classical nature of modal logic. Could you explain better?,,

Actually there is no obvious thematic link that would be an obvious PKF discussion maker:

I did mean this though, regardless of what kind of =A8logic=A8 we are speaking of (modal logic
is very much a classical logic depending on the logician in any case, incidentally the
further back you go to its XX century developements, the more so). I meant that AG (or PKF
non-conformism is appliied
well to the hard sciences, i.e. to discourses where we really are free in mind from fixed sets
of theoretical terms by the nature of that universe of inquiry. AG in the hard sciences is rooted firmly to
an empirical imperative.  In formal logic there are no such emprical controls, unless you take
a Tractarian view that the job of logic is to verify scientific propositions as consisetent or not. There is
much AG is formal logic when a cognitive science uses the predicate calculus in a specious and
self-servinig (to his or her theory) way:
the result can lead to improper and irresponsible
imputing of concepts which are alien to the very form of logic, and, if we take logic as
a human practice, to the very form of human inference. You will see such arbitrarities in
the legal system also where AG is applied (political correcness is identically arbitrary as a Stalinist type
show trial), the whole universe of legal discourse, e.g., becomes freely manipulable.

Hope this helps to maker clearer, anyway it=B4s just a line of thinking, and there=B4s an infinite number of lines of thi=EDnking
which makes a lot of trivial.


Alexander Patterson
SAP Logistics and BI Consultant
voice/fax: +42 0425 22627
mob/gsm: +42 0602 610 663


Hi Marko - this a is long time in coming back, but:
You asked ,,Anyway I failed to see any relation between PKF non-conformism and the
non-classical nature of modal logic. Could you explain better?,,
Actually there is no obvious thematic link that would be an obvious PKF discussion maker:
I did mean this though, regardless of what kind of =A8logic=A8 we are speaking of (modal logic
is very much a classical logic depending on the logician in any case, incidentally the
further back you go to its XX century developements, the more so). I meant that AG (or PKF
non-conformism is appliied
well to the hard sciences, i.e. to discourses where we really are free in mind from fixed sets
of theoretical terms by the nature of that universe of inquiry. AG in the hard sciences is rooted firmly to
an empirical imperative.  In formal logic there are no such emprical controls, unless you take
a Tractarian view that the job of logic is to verify scientific propositions as consisetent or not. There is
much AG is formal logic when a cognitive science uses the predicate calculus in a specious and
self-servinig (to his or her theory) way:
the result can lead to improper and irresponsible
imputing of concepts which are alien to the very form of logic, and, if we take logic as
a human practice, to the very form of human inference. You will see such arbitrarities in
the legal system also where AG is applied (political correcness is identically arbitrary as a Stalinist type
show trial), the whole universe of legal discourse, e.g., becomes freely manipulable.
Hope this helps to maker clearer, anyway it=B4s just a line of thinking, and there=B4s an infinite number of lines of thi=EDnking
which makes a lot of trivial.
Alexander Patterson
SAP Logistics and BI Consultant
voice/fax: +42 0425 22627
mob/gsm: +42 0602 610 663
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