File spoon-archives/feyerabend.archive/feyerabend_2000/feyerabend.0002, message 8

Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 17:07:40 +0800
From: David Geelan <>
Subject: PKF: Conquest of Abundance

I've just received a copy of Conquest of Abundance, PKF's new book. Bert
Terpstra has done a wonderful job of editing together the unfinished
manuscript and other archival materials to make a fascinating, coherent
book that preserves Paul's tone and approach beautifully. I'm enjoying
the book very much, and it's resonating very strongly with the issues I
had already been considering. I'll try to raise some questions in the
list once I finish reading the book, but for now I just want to urge you
to get hold of it as soon as possible. 

I know I promised a review of 'For and Against Method', and I do still
plan to do that too. One intriguing facet of that book is the insight
into PKF's writing style - the continuing revisions and rewrites and
dissatisfactions and illuminations. It becomes clearer why the three
editions of AM are so different!

It's great to see the list coming to life again a little (welcome
Tomas!), and I hope this can be continued. One question that occurs to

In 'Conquest of Abundance', Paul does not (so far as I can see anyway)
use the term 'postmodernism' in relation to his point, but I have been
coming to many of the same issues - the richness, complexity and
fragmentariness of Being and experience, as against the relative aridity
of our theoretical schemes for trying to describe it - from a postmodern
(though not deconstructionist) perspective. Is PKF's perspective
postmodern, or does it really not fit on that axis (modern-postmodern)?

Warm regards,



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