File spoon-archives/feyerabend.archive/feyerabend_2002/feyerabend.0201, message 16

Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 18:10:00 +0100 (MET)
From: Alexander Patterson <>
Subject: Re: PKF: RE: 'an account of how we might think differently if we knew the truth.'

K.H. uttered, or did he gasp: 

<"Oh??  And why wouldn't it also be worth the read for the murderous
scumbags who design to kill Americans?  Why Americans "at least"? Why not muslim
fascists "at least"?>

It would be a great read for muslim fascists (for those muslims who ARE
actually fascists, of course). And yes, I did mean what I said: It would be a
good read - "at least" for Americans, or "at least" for anyone who "otherwise"
requires the comfort of lies...thus yes, I believe you are quite right: it
would also be a good read, "at the very least", for all of those in the world
who require a certain kind of ideological indulgence to comfort their small
minds...including your "muslim fascists" and "murderous scumbags who design to
kill Americans". 

At most it would be a good read for anyone and everyone. "At least" just
limits a certain case of people who apparently don't mind being misinformed (or
don't have the time and/or the desire to learn that they are being
misinformed). That's a logical use of "at least", as demonstrated.

But how much I would like to indulge your vices and reduce the universe to a
grand falsification for you (because you know better), driving out the
content of what has been witnessed in those villages in Afghanistan. But I just
can't do that.

Tell me, K.H., was it a good read for you..."at least" a good read, "at
least" for you I mean, as opposed to...others whom you might be able to imagine?


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