Subject: PKF: Popper conference papers Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2003 23:32:53 +1100 When the proceedings from the 2002 Popper Conference in Vienna are in press many of the conference papers which are now in the Forum of the Rathouse will need to be removed. I am not sure when that will be, however this is an advance warning to allow time for people to take another look in case there is something of interest you missed previously. The format of the Forum has changed and there are now three pages to negotiate. The Conference papers are interspersed with other contributions, so some care may be required to find the one you are after. Below is the list of papers, in the order that they appear in the Forum. This is the link to access the Forum Action in Ecosystems: A Popperian Research Programme by Ivan Kennedy Paradigm Shifts and Popper's Theory of Science by Joseph R Davidow Popper's Falsificationism Interpreted by Non-classical Logic by Antonino Drago The Greeks and Popper's Notion of Individual Freedom by John J Cleary Karl Popper's Propensity Interpretation of Probability by Jacob Rosenthal Godel, Kuhn and Feyerabend by Jonathan P Seldin When Science Becomes Mathematics - the New Demarcation Problem by T H Ray The Weapon of Criticism by D Dimitrakos Popper in Iran by Ali Paya Can Popper's ideas Enlighten Postmodern Techniscience by Raphael Sassower The Testability of Ethics by William Berkson The Pragmatic Problem of Induction by Ingemar Nordin How to Avoid Giving Unwanted Answers to Unasked Questions by Joanna Swann Popper's Philosophy of Science as a Philosophy of Technology by Sheldon Richmond Artificial Intelligence and Popper's Solution to the Problem of Induction by G Tamburrini Popper's Contribution to Philosophy of Education by G Zecha Feyerabend's Humanitarian Critique of Popper's Critical Rationalism by J-J Yuann Is the Philosophy of K Popper Anti-foundationist by Hubert Cambier Popper as a Philosopher of Mathematics by Eduard Glas Pancritical Rationalism by Amando Centora Popper on Irreversibility and the Arrow of Time by Michael Esfeld Libertatianism, Egalitarianism and The Open Society by Calvin Hayes Metaphysical Discourse by Shiva Kaviani The Myth of Scientific Revolution: Evolving Popper's Philosophy of Science by Sheldon Richmond Karl Popper and the Reconstitution of the Rationalist Left by Steve Fuller Popper's Conception of the Rationality Principle by Boudewijn de Bruin Gaston Bachelard and Karl Popper on Falsification, Induction and Demarcation by Theresa Castelão-Lawless Open Societies and Tribal Groups By Te Maire Tau "Truth" and "conscience" in an "open society" by Helmut Zenz Popper and the Internet by Malcolm McElhone Constructing a Comprensive Anti-Justificationist Position by Antoni Diller The Open Society, Metaphysical Beliefs and Platonic Sources of Reason By Toby E. Huff Darwinism is the Application of Situational Logic to the State of Ignorance By David Miller Making Sense of Knowledge in the Light of Evolution By Renan Springer de Freitas VERISIMILITUDE and THE PROBLEM OF INDUCTION By Jüri Eintalu Popper's Political Legacy in Historical Context By Malachi Hacohen Popper and the Rationality Principle By Maurice Lagueux Popper on Truth By Alain Boyer Popper Laws, and the Exclusion of Biology By David N. Stamos The Enlightenment Programme and Karl Popper By Nicholas Maxwell Michael Akeroyd on Popper's Evolutionary Epistemology Revamped Peter Munz on Popper's Darwinism Peeter Muursepp on The Problem of Determinism in Ludwig Boltzmann's Philosophy of Science Bruce Caldwell on whether Popper and Hayek influenced each other Bill Gorton on Popper's debt to Marx.Larry Udell on Popper and Schumpater Rafe Champion on Popper and the Austrians Larry Boland's paper on the recent history of methodology in economics Alan Musgrave on Popper and the problem of induction Joseph Agassi's keynote speech The link to access the Forum There are also several reviews of Malachi Hacohen's major intellectual biography of Popper at the bottom of this page Rafe Champion Sydney, Australia The purpose of Popper The Austrian key to peace, freedom and prosperity Revivalist: the Buhlers and Rene Wellek ********************************************************************** Contributions: Commands: Requests:
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