File spoon-archives/film-theory.archive/film-theory_1994/film.june14.94, message 21

Date:         Thu, 23 Jun 94 09:18:21 EDT
From: John Hanlon <>
Subject:      Re: Ernie Gehr/Serene Velocity

>Who's doing visual stuff like this now?
  Well, I can't really answer that...but I know there are all sorts of
products that are supposed to trigger the same visual effects: goggles with
flashing lights afixed that are supposed to trigger certain brain wave
patterns, hypnotize, relieve stress...blah blah blah.  Of course, what such
products don't offer is the sort of mental stimulation that works like
"Serene Velocity" or "Wavelength" produced.  For that, you have to take
"smart drugs" which increase blah blah blah....

   What I find interesting: effects that some people once got from "art"
are now provided by consumer goods.  Of course, it still remains a bit of
an elitist thing--most people wouldn't/couldn't sit through a flicker film,
and most people couldn't afford the groovy toys.

  Not that it matters, but I think "Serene Velocity" was done one frame at
a time, with Gehr adjusting the focus every few frames.  The camera doesn't

john hanlon

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