File spoon-archives/film-theory.archive/film-theory_1995/film-theory_May.95, message 15

Date: Sat, 6 May 1995 02:51:15 -0400
Subject: Query to readers re: film fests book

I am seeking from Film-Theory readers to receive feedback and suggestions for
a non-profit book I am writing.  It is a manual on "How to Start & Operate
Film & Video Festivals in the U.S." , and will be published in late 1996.
I would like to hear comments and information on how existing festivals could
do their work better, and how new film festivals could avoid problem areas
experienced by other ongoing organizations.  
I am interested in comments from filmmakers, fest organizers, volunteers,
critics, fest audiences and attendees, etc.  I already have logged more than
400 hours interviewing festival managers, directors, etc. around the country,
and I have personally worked in many festival settings. 
This whole project started a few years ago as my Master's Thesis for a
graduate program in Arts Administration here in San Francisco.  It has
blossomed into this highly complex book, due to the fact that no one has ever
put all of this information down in writing before.  
Please do not place your response messages on Film-Theory;  I will appreciate
receiving your email on this topic to:  A more detailed
description of the book can be found on the Web at URL:
or request from me with message to my email address.
Thanks in advance for your thoughts or suggestions, 
Lauri R. Tanner

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