File spoon-archives/film-theory.archive/film-theory_1997/film-theory.9712, message 109

Date: Mon, 8 Dec 1997 01:07:25 -0700
From: (GameCat)
Subject: Alien Ressurection


        Well, I just saw the latest installment of the Alien saga....

        The whole time I sat there I _could not_ get Barbara Creed's
"Horror and the Archaic Mother" out of my head. Whew.

        The film (well, all the Alien films)  seems to be concerned with
this idea, or, if you prefer, provide ready texts of the application of
such theory.  Beyond the obvious prescence of a very threatening Other with
maternal characteristics common to all the films, this one, however, seems
to be  involved with the maternal presence on a much more immediate level,
what with it's  vat-grown Ripley (the New Flesh, anyone?)  alien queen, and
vagina dentata galore.

        Especially central seems the depiction of Ripley's maternal
impulses towards the alien(s) and her treatment during the "nest" sequence,
as well as the exploration of the absented mother in the "freak show"

        Just thought I'd toss that out there.

       As always,  intelligent replies appreciated, flames ignored.


hey, anyone who wants to talk about college searches is invited to email me.
I'm burning out on the whole thing, and could use a few new voices.

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