File spoon-archives/film-theory.archive/film-theory_1997/film-theory.9712, message 11

Date: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 07:03:31 -0800
From: thenmozhi soundararajan <>
Subject: Re: 

another good TV show on this was the V series that started with Thomas
Pynchon novel V.  Almost all the images from Independence day were stolen
from this show.

I am examining shows like the X-Files and
>Dark Skies, which now commonly place blame on the government for
>unexplainable phenomenon (I realize this isn't new), to reveal what this
>means about the formation of our identity as a nation.  I am examining
>the relationship between the fear of and anxiety about the government
>that these shows relate.  Please forgive me for the vagueness of this
>posting; I left my notes at my office.  I am interested in any
>discussion I can get about this topic, as well as any films or other TV
>shows which relate.  I will respond with more specifics when I get to my
>notes.  Thanks!
>Rebecca Rickell Gorton
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