File spoon-archives/film-theory.archive/film-theory_1997/film-theory.9712, message 133

Date: Tue, 09 Dec 1997 19:04:35 -0600
Subject: Re: Men in drag (Was: did IQ's just drop sharply?) 

The post-identity known as DeX wrote:
>david you are so less than fucked in the head. who cares about your desire?
>how in god's name does your desire constitiute an argument? you are gay -
>so you are instantly self-appointed as our collective solitary voice on the
>essentialism that dare not speak its name? you are gay and therefore beyond
>reproach? beyond critique? beyond questioning? and you are assuming that
>gammy cat is not! 

Huh? Where do you get this? My reading was that David was taking Gamecat
down for doing precisely what you are accusing David of.

 if you fail to see the entire gay police state that your post about
>to wong foo constructs and the monolithic politic is erects up its own arse
>to its own detriment then i will grin with knowledge that 'of course you
>will'... fail that is.
Sadie mentionned films that seem to suggest that the best women are men in
drag. If To Wong Foo doesn't suggest that, with the Patrick Swayze character
saving housewives from domestic abuse while giving the women of the town
makeovers, do you have a better suggestion? The problem, if there is one, is
in the politics of Sadie's original question.


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