File spoon-archives/film-theory.archive/film-theory_1997/film-theory.9712, message 144

Date: Mon, 8 Dec 1997 22:09:38 -0700
From: (GameCat)
Subject: Re: Men in drag (Was: did IQ's just drop sharply?)

>Huh? Where do you get this? My reading was that David was taking Gamecat
>down for doing precisely what you are accusing David of.

Woah, I was taken down? Neat!

Look, lets try NOT to polarize our discussions for once.

>Sadie mentionned films that seem to suggest that the best women are men in
>drag. If To Wong Foo doesn't suggest that, with the Patrick Swayze character
>saving housewives from domestic abuse while giving the women of the town
>makeovers, do you have a better suggestion? The problem, if there is one, is
>in the politics of Sadie's original question.

Well, let's not forget that this is only one way of looking at the text in

Are we to arbitrarily value one critical approach over another?

In reponse to your question, anyway, perhaps men make the best
stereotypical woman.

Woman, not female.  The split of the (biological) sex from the (learned)
gender is essential to any well informed piece of criticism.

At least I think so.

As always, YMMV.


I'm a pretty nice guy, you know.

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