File spoon-archives/film-theory.archive/film-theory_1997/film-theory.9712, message 276

Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 21:20:33 +1100
From: deX <dionne-AT-ThePla.Net>
Subject: Re:  Re:  Re: Was Breathless "Avante Garde"?

johanna perplexingly proposed:

>I don't think anybody is using the term "cut" to mean something one (an
>editor or whomever) does.

hang about! i don't understand at all. maybe i am really dumb but how does
a cut "occur" if no-one "does" it? please explain 'the use of the term
"cut" that is not something an editor or whomever does'.

>I'm sorry--I don't see how editing can possibly not involve cuts. Can you
>explain this?

cinematographers, editors and fx-heads love playing around with stops and
by flaring and  dampening the light suddenly, speeding and slowing the film
speed dramatically for a short burst, or particularly using the two in
combination, all can have the appearance or similar effect of cutting. of
course digital fx offer a range of options wherein the very idea of the
idea of cutting becomes highly problematised. if in a multi-layered matte
you count each time one layer is dropped out, introduced or re-introduced
as 'a cut' then there are way more cuts in any film than any film scholar
or her freshmen could ever hope to count to in one lifetime. another
example - if seven source images are being used to make up one morph effect
at what point do you decide where any one "shot" begins or ends and where
on earth does the cut occur?? i could go on and on but i think you get the

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