File spoon-archives/film-theory.archive/film-theory_1997/film-theory.9712, message 54

Date: Sat, 06 Dec 1997 06:08:46 +1100
From: deX <dionne-AT-ThePla.Net>
Subject: Re: cultural intertext

At 09:26 AM 12/5/97 -0600, you wrote:

i'm not sure about your definition of intertext but flesh it out for
yourself, anyways. if it is reading cultural production in general then the
following could be useful, if you want film only, no idea.

there's a paper ("Intertext: Re-placing Duchamp's Eroticism: "Seeing" Etant
donnes from a Feminist Perspective") in:

	   Jones, Amelia. 

          _Postmodernism and the en-gendering of Marcel Duchamp_

          Cambridge [England] ; New York, NY, USA : Cambridge University
Press, 1994.

for a rave on the various functionalites of The Preface and how henry james
uses it to suggest frames and reading strategies for his own work you could
dig out the chapter on  intertext in:

         Pearson, John H.

         _The prefaces of Henry James : framing the modern reader_

         University Park, Pa. : Pennsylvania State University Press, 1997.

James McGonigal has a paper on how young kiddies read and understand and
refer to each other and themselves called "Intertext or inner text?" in an

         Richard Andrews. [editor]

         _Rebirth of rhetoric : essays in language, culture, and education_

         London ; New York : Routledge, 1992.

i know there is a book about wallace stevens and nietzsche titled _The
Nietzschean intertext_ i think by B.J. Leggett. doubt that it would be what
you're after but maybe?

something else that may be of interest to you (especially re: teaching) is
taylor & saarinen's _imagologies_. it has lots of reflections on
contemporary modes of teaching, reading and learning and completely
explodes any preconceived notions of Text you might have been carrying
around with you. how valuable this is ultimately a personal thing...
however their concept of comprehension being reunderstood as
'interstanding' seems like it could be a good companion for you in your
quest.  it seeks to set up relations between readers, contexts and texts
which operate from interstitial rather than extratextual or superior
positions. comprehension is re-spatialised as 'between', meaning is no
longer 'contained in' or 'beneath a textual surface', and logic is
associative rather than linear. the thrust is connexion, transformation and
negotiation are the go; contemporary knowledges are more akin to managerial
praxis than literate critico-analytical techniques.

>I want to use the term "cultural intertext" in an essay I'm writing to refer
>to any text/cultural myth that interacts with the texts we are reading. 

see now in this sense i can't imagine what you mean. so my suggestions
would be of no value to you at all.

however in this sense:

>I plan to use the term to talk about teaching students to acknowledge
>the various components they bring to their reading of film.

i think the above would all be useful. 

hope somebody with something truly stunning and right on the button invites
you out for a cup of tea and references.


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