File spoon-archives/film-theory.archive/film-theory_2003/film-theory.0304, message 6

Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2003 15:18:18 +0200
From: "Dr. Nina Zimnik" <>
Subject: Re: The Engine

no way!!!!

Paul Murphy wrote:

>Dear Sir/Madam,
>can you put a link on your site through to my online journal The Engine?
>This is the URL:
>all best wishes,
>Paul Murphy
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "hector mast" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 12:07 PM
>Subject: Organdi Quarterly invites submissions for Issue #6: hazard
>(ENGLSIH/FRENCH deadline: June 30th 2003)
>>Dear all
>>apologies for cross-postings...
>>Organdi Quarterly invites submissions for Issue #6:
>>hazard (Summer 2003):
>>deadline: June 30th 2003
>>(English version)
>>Hasard, an uncontrollable power, creates its own
>>source of attraction and inspiration. This Organdi
>>issue examines the room made for given hazard in
>>societies, its manifestations, forms of ___expression
>>impact on societies as well as individuals. Here are a
>>few guidelines grouped in three themes that you might
>>like to follow.
>>Hazard and society: fascination/rejection
>>Societies have always made a special room for hazard:
>>neither exclusive nor completely inclusive (i.e.
>>tolerated). For instance, risks have grown stronger
>>fears, so that everyone is taking insurance against
>>unpredictable events. Hazard/chance together with
>>control/merit build a linked structure which enables
>>the merits of a successful working life to coexist
>>with the chance of being well-born, win at lotteries
>>and gambling without contradiction. A good player can
>>get a month salary of a hard-worker in one night, and
>>even the green card can be won at lotteries when it
>>can take months of legal procedure for a foreigner.
>>Furthermore, in Western societies, merits give value
>>to a good citizen, and the overall propaganda says
>>that success happens regardless of the chance one had
>>to be well-born or not. One can observe the same
>>pattern in religious societies believing in
>>reincarnation: the chance of being well-born is said
>>to be due to your merits in precedent lives. In both
>>types of society, merits are valued to the disfavour
>>of chance.
>>Hazard and the individual: grab the opportunity
>>Nowadays the world is getting quicker, more mobile,
>>interactive and flexible: much of what we held for
>>certain vanished. A lot of unsuspected events
>>influence our decisions, we walk on shaky ground when
>>anticipating the future. Our personal situations are
>>getting less secure and predictive, and when present
>>life is not satisfying enough, hazardous opportunities
>>might be worth seeking. The thrust for easy success,
>>especially at stake in reality shows which transform
>>Mr Smith into a popular star, should it be for fifteen
>>minutes, highlights this gambling attitude. In such
>>situations, intuition can be more effective than
>>rational choice.
>>Hazard as a creative power: play with random
>>Through the XXth Century, the laws of nature have been
>>explored with new scientific tools dealing with hazard
>>and probability. Stochastic models, chaos theory,
>>quantum theory are just a few examples of physics
>>challenges of today. Yet arts had already paved the
>>way to a new understanding of the role of hazard in
>>creation: random music, surrealism, combinative
>>literature (oulipo), collage, to cite only a few, have
>>kept on influencing post-war to contemporary
>>productions. Hazard is not a fatality to which
>>surrender, it spreads a message to be read/made
>>(version franaise)
>>Le hasard pose la question de son impossible matrise,
>>do il tire son pouvoir dattraction et
>>dinspiration. Ce numro dOrgandi sintresse  la
>>place du hasard dans la socit, sa manifestation, son
>>expression et son impact sur lorganisation sociale et
>>lindividu. Les quelques pistes qui sont tayes par
>>la suite ne sont pas limitatives, elles ne demandent
>>qu tre enrichies par vos contributions.
>>Hasard et socit : entre rejet et fascination, ou
>>comment grer la tragdie
>>Malgr les tentatives de transformer la fatalit en
>>destin, les socits nont jamais russi  intgrer ou
>>rejeter le hasard totalement hors de leur sein. En
>>tmoignent le souci croissant de prvention des
>>risques, et actuellement le dveloppement des
>>assurances, ainsi que le discours dominant daccession
>> la reconnaissance par le mrite, que ce soit par le
>>travail (dans les socits occidentales) ou par les
>>bonnes actions (dans dautres plus religieuses). Le
>>hasard dtre bien n est masqu par le modle de
>>russite individuelle ou par le poids des vies
>>antrieures. Le pouvoir dattraction du hasard est
>>nanmoins indniable : il se manifeste notamment dans
>>lengouement pour les loteries, les paris ou les
>>courses, o le joueur peut remporter en quelques
>>instants ce que plusieurs annes permettent au
>>travailleur dobtenir. (Aux Etats-Unis, la Green Card
>>peut tre remporte  une loterie)
>>Hasard et individu : savoir saisir sa chance
>>Plus gnralement, dans un monde plus flexible, plus
>>mobile, plus interactif, beaucoup de certitudes se
>>sont vanouies. Le hasard influence de plus en plus
>>nos dcisions : il gagne du terrain dans la
>>comprhension de lavenir. La globalisation du risque
>>(cologique, conomique, etc) invite dsormais
>>lindividu  se confronter  lincertitude plutt qu
>>subir lalatoire : faire preuve dopportunisme
>>(savoir prendre, voire provoquer la chance). Lexemple
>>est particulirement criant dans le dsir de russite
>>facile : des missions mdias transforment en un rien
>>de temps des citrouilles en carrosse, quand il fallait
>>des annes dexprience  un artiste pour saffirmer.
>>Faire confiance  lintuition plutt quau choix
>>rationnel est encore une manifestation supplmentaire
>>de cette dmarche spculative.
>>Hasard comme ressource cratrice
>>Saisir lalatoire comme un alli avec lequel composer
>>est galement le parti que prennent les sciences
>>actuelles avec le dveloppement de la thorie du chaos
>>et les modles stochastiques en particulier. Ctait
>>dj le dfi que staient lancs, en prcurseurs,
>>certains arts du XX sicle comme la musique
>>alatoire, le surralisme, la littrature
>>combinatoire, le collage, etc : autant de tentatives
>>de dialogue avec le hasard dont les formes continuent
>>As usual, other contributions unrelated to the theme
>>of the issue will be considered for the following
>>sections of Organdi Quarterly:
>>Letters to the Editors,
>>Espace Libre (articles, interviews, documents),
>>Books, Music, Cinema & the Arts (cultural reviews),
>>Out of Frame (exhibitions).
>>Deadline: June 30th 2003
>>for more details visit our submission page at
>>Best regards
>>The Editors of Organdi
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