File spoon-archives/foucault.archive/foucault_1994/F-3, message 23

Date: Sun, 2 Oct 1994 00:23:14 -0600 (MDT)
From: steven meinking <>
To: Foucault List <>
Subject: RE: Macey Bio

I recommended the Macey biography to someone on this list as an excellent 
secondary source for an introduction to Foucault.  Now I have been 
requested to justify this recommendation.  

When I make the recommendation for reading Macey it primarily rests on 
the grounds that knowledge concerning the occurrences of Foucault's life 
provide very valuable insights into his philosophy.  

Primarily, the recommendation is made in relation to the Eribon 
biography, the Miller biography, and other secondary source material that 
is available.  It is rare to find, in any secondary source, the synthesis 
of Foucault's works, personal relationships and historical caveats 
that one finds in Macey.  I think the provision of a perspective of this 
sort is vital for someone approaching Foucault on the introductory level.  The
Eribon biography, while informative and chronologically correct, never explored
the depth of Foucault's philosophy and its themes in the erudite manner I 
applaud Macey for.  In Eribon, Foucault is treated in some what of a "great 
man" mode where we are informed of his actions and the events surrounding his 
life, but the thoughtful expansion of relations between personal 
relationships, events and works, like that in Macey, is lacking.  Compare 
the treatment of the _Madness and Civilization_ period (what I consider 
to be Eribon's best portion of text) between Eribon and Macey to measure 
the difference between the two bios.  

Miller's bibliographical problems were elucidated in a previous discussion, 
and I don't feel like mentioning them here.  


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