File spoon-archives/foucault.archive/foucault_1995/f_Feb.95, message 2

Date: Wed, 01 Feb 1995 16:30:18 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: MacKinnon and Foucault

	with regard to the issue of power being everywhere: there
	are certainly some phenomena that are ubiquitous and thus 
	unhelpful in explaining other things (gravity springs to mind).
	The issue of interest with respect to the "micrpowers" lies
	in Foucault's observation "where there is power ther is
	resistance".  Ubiquitous power *and* resistance is more than
	relevant to MacKinnon's argument....and she would do well
	to read a volume such as The Gender of Power, which contains
	explicit attempts to confront "a Foucaultian analysis".

andrew kirby



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