File spoon-archives/foucault.archive/foucault_1996/96-07-06.052, message 89

Date: Mon, 3 Jun 1996 12:15:42 -0600
From: (jln)
Subject: Re: parasites

>> Further, because the market determines the values for goods,
>> not everyone can have the same level of satsifaction of goods.
>        Do not understand.  Cannot process.  Click.  Whirr.  Bfffpt.  Pop!

That is, people do not have the same satisfaction from the same goods.
Equal opportunity relies on the notion that they do.  But some people like
champaigne (sp?) and some like beer, and some hate both.  The market,
mainly through a rule of the multitude, determines the price for different
goods; champaigne, beer, water.  Since  people have to spend different
amounts on these, they cannot acheive the same level of satsifaction.  The
rich can acheive satisfation easier, but even they might be hindered in
this move.



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