File spoon-archives/foucault.archive/foucault_1996/f_Mar22.96, message 11

Date: Sat, 23 Mar 1996 14:16:56 +0100
From: (Ray Keating)
Subject: Re: Power

>I'm replying to James Stranger's comments.

>I think Deleuze's book on foucault, particularly the third section,
>is a particularly good analysis of the philosophic context of F's
>concept of power.

>Roy Roussel  SUNY/Buffalo
In addition to the excellent book by Deleuze on Foucault.  Please refer to
Chapter 9 "Power and Truth"  in MF Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics by
Dreyfus and Rabinow for a detailed and extremely clear presentation of
Foucault's ideas on Power.  I found this book much more helpful than
Foucaults works themselves.
 Ray Keating
 The Netherlands



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