File spoon-archives/foucault.archive/foucault_1996/f_Mar22.96, message 24

Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 15:01:27 -0800 (PST)
From: Tim Wager <>
Subject: Foucault Live (New! Improved!)

A couple of months ago a few listmembers were lamenting the fact that 
_Foucault Live_ was no longer available.  Well, it's back in the stores.  
I ordered it in late January, and it arrived just yesterday.  The good 
news is that it is vastly expanded over the version from a few years back 
The first had about 25 interviews;  this new edition has above 50.  
Better yet, Semiotext(e) has altered their usual format, making it a 
regular-sized paperback of about 470 pp., instead of the (hard-to-hold 
when thicker) small version of about 380 pages.  Along with the good 
news, of course, always comes bad:  instead of the easy-on-the-budget $6 
cost of most Semiotext(e) books, the new _FL_ costs $16.95.  Look for it 
at a bookstore or library near you.

Tim Wager

"Give the public free access to the memory and data banks."

	-- Jean-Francois Lyotard, _The Postmodern Condition_



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