File spoon-archives/foucault.archive/foucault_1999/foucault.9909, message 18

Subject: Re: Alternative?
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 19:18:51 -0700

I'm no expert, but to my understanding of my reading of Foucault, to
question the status quo, to propose an other (excuse me, j. derrida) would
be to submit to the "power".

>...I notice that Foucault has come under some fairly
> intense criticism, from Habermas, Nancy Hartsock, and others, for failing
> propose any alternative to the status quo.  Habermas even labelled him a
> "young conservative."  While I think those criticisms have some value...

to examine the entity and all it's aspects (hopefully without judging
(during the examination anyway)) of an "institution" of "power"

to bring in a little derrida again, the foucault that I have created from my
reading (still very incomplete) of foucault about foucault carries the pomo
mythos to it's romantic root:  individual confronts being

this was the light he showed me working my way through his density



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