File spoon-archives/foucault.archive/foucault_1999/foucault.9909, message 24

Subject: Re: Structural Marxism
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 16:10:54 -0500

Hi. May I ask a few questions? What it a structural marxist as opposed to a
marxist? And how does this distinction relate to foucault?


> Was Foucault a structural Marxist?  I agrue that he was.
> I completed a dissertation on a structural Marxist reading of Foucault's
> and I am in the process of preparing it for publication.  Is anyone out
> interested in discussing the Bachelard-Canguilhem- Althusserian influence
> Foucualt?  in discussing the manner in which Foucault adopts some
> appoaches?  in discussing particular texts, especially MC, OT, AK, DP,
K/P, or
> HS v.1?
> --Joe Cronin


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