File spoon-archives/foucault.archive/foucault_1999/foucault.9909, message 26

Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 15:37:07 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Structural Marxism

Here are some of my thoughts on this: first, to clarify Foucault's
relationship to structuralism, I'd go through Paul Rabinow's and Hubert
Dreyfus' co-authored book, _Michel Foucault: Between Structuralism and
Hermeneutics_, and further reread his specific engagements with Marx
and Marxism in _ReMarx_ as well as in _Power/Knowledge_ and others.
(especially "Two Lectures") The results could then be carefully
compared with the work of Louis Althusser in _Lenin and Philosophy_ and
_For Marx_, as well as (with Etienne Balibar) _Reading Capital_.  A
fairly recent collection of Althusser's early engagements with Marx and
Marxism is out too, I think.

It is also interesting and important to consider how Foucault's work
can be understood to be "structuralist" in the dialectical sense of
going beyond its limits, in thinking about discontinuities,
disjunctures, diachrony, as well as processes of subjectivation, to
name a few of these particularly Foucauldian poststructuralisms.

--- Dan Smith <> wrote:
> for what it's worth...
> i'd be extremely limited in my capacity
> to participate, but i'd love to see a discussion
> on this topic(s).
> dan s.

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