Subject: Conference In Political Theory Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 20:46:32 +0100 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. Take note of the following announcement:!!!!! FIRST UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX GRADUATE CONFERENCE IN POLITICAL THEORY "CONTEMPORARY THEORY AND POLITICS FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM" Mayo 12-13, 2000. Department of Government University of Essex, U.K. Guest Speaker: Prof. James Tully (University of Victoria, Canada) Other Participants: Prof. Ernesto Laclau (Essex) Prof. Chantal Mouffe (University of Westminster) Prof. Albert Weale (Essex) Prof. Michael Freeman (Essex) Main themes to be covered: a.. Constitutionalism, Institutional Design and Difference a.. Contemporary Political Theory and the Challenge of Post-Structuralism a.. Political Identities, Citizenship and Human Rights WWW site:
Main themes to be covered:
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