File spoon-archives/foucault.archive/foucault_1999/foucault.9909, message 45

Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 07:25:17 -0400
Subject: Althusser's student

Paul Bove -- sorry about the accent -- thinks it is weird for me to term
Foucault Althusser's student. I am honored that the distinguished Bove
chastises me, but I don't see what's weird about it. In Foucault,
Marxism and Critique, Barry Smart calls Althusser "Foucault's former
teacher and colleague" (78). Althusser says Foucault "was a pupil of
mine, and 'something' of my work has passed into his, including certain
of my formulations" (Reading Capital, 323-24). Of course, Althusser
never says which formulations, but why should we doubt that Foucault was
his pupil or not call him that?
Philip Goldstein


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