File spoon-archives/foucault.archive/foucault_1999/foucault.9909, message 47

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 11:27:20 -0400
Subject: Re: discourse analysis

>hi all.
>this looks like a kind routined inquiry on foco list, but still I would
>like to know how one goes about doing a 'discourse analysis'. any
>reference esp. wrt. to 'art history' will be highly appreicaited.

hmmmm... well, the answer to your question depends on
many thing. for instance, in what sense do understand or 
plan to use the term "discourse." without having that question
answered, however, i'll offer this very brief and
crude description of foucauldian
"discourse analysis."

foucault's approach to discourses is to understand them
as systems of discursive practices, the deployments
and effects of which are determined by their "functions"
within a particular system or discursive formation. 
thus, to do a foucualdian discourse analysis is 
an attempt to map the operations
of a discursive system or formation and the effects
those operations produce. moreover, such an analysis
would strive to understand what forces were/are at work that 
enable(d) those discursive practices and which contributed
to the system's or formation's emergence. in lieu of more detail,
i'd recommend (at the very least) reading foucault's
_order of things_, _archaelogy of knowledge_ and _history of sexuality_ vol. I.

perhaps some of the list members who have more sophisticated
and nuanced understandings of fouacult than myself may
be able to correct and/or extend my brief description.

good luck w/ your project,
dan s.

           "One must have chaos in oneself to give
            birth to a dancing star." - Nietzsche


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