File spoon-archives/foucault.archive/foucault_1999/foucault.9909, message 51

Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 10:52:19 EDT
Subject: Re: discourse analysis

In a message dated 9/21/99 10:35:02 AM Central Daylight Time, 

<< >hi all.
 >this looks like a kind routined inquiry on foco list, but still I would
 >like to know how one goes about doing a 'discourse analysis'. any
 >reference esp. wrt. to 'art history' will be highly appreicaited. >>

i don't know about discourse analysis but I putthis together for
a project having to do with an analysis of youth and youthworker
interviews. I am interested in feedback as to whether it seems on
track at all:

The specific methodology is directly linked to these philosophical 
assumptions and are based on Foucault's (1972) recommendations for textual 
analysis outlined in The Archaeology of Knowledge ,
1. Determine how and when the object (in this case youthwork and the youth 
worker's identity) emerges as a discourse. Show how it is conceptualized and 
created as different from other descriptions of the same kind of phenomenon, 
i.e.: how is talking with youth in this way different than other 
conversations with youth; also how is youthwork separated from the 
disciplines like social work, psychology, etc.?
2. Describe how this body of knowledge and practice determine who can speak 
and with what authority. Who gets to describe youthwork and how is this 
recognized as a voice of authority within the society?
3. Describe how "grids of specification" are derived? How is youthwork 
divided into street outreach, residential treatment, emergency shelter work, 
administrators, line workers, counselors, etc.?
4. What are the historical conditions for the appearance of the object (in 
this case youthwork)?
5. What relationships are established between institutions, economic and 
social processes, behavioral patterns, systems of norms that allow for the 
appearance of the object ?
(pp. 44-46)


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